
Friday, March 30, 2012

One more for the road

The bunnies will now have company on their trip to Oregon. Looking through the scrap box, I came across a few pieces large enough to cut four cats and a printed stripe that would make a nice border. The total size is
18"x 23.5", which could make a small table mat.
I had selected a pretty floral print for the background but the tan cat seemed to be hiding. Maybe that tan floral cat should have been what I changed because his orange eyes don't show so well on the print. The pink floral is on the reverse side.

The Thinsulate batting is also left-over scraps and I could just use safety pins to hold everything in place while I quilted without a hoop, making the whole thing in three days. I am usually a baste and baste again person but on this one, the only basting I did was for sewing the cats together.

My husband looked over these runners and said he wished we could keep them. He seldom pays any attention as to what I am making but had an interest in the rabbits because he was responsible for pulling out reference material for the rabbit in the moon.

Today is the last day in March and it certainly is NOT going out like a lamb! The wind is whistling and rattling the windows. I am off with my Cub Pack to the Tokyo Life Safety Learning Center. We have been instructed to bring a towel for the "rain room" and a handkerchief for the smoke filled maze. I have not been to this particular center but I'm pretty sure we will have an earthquake room and fire extinguisher practice and practice making emergency calls. Maybe some basic first aid too. By the end of the afternoon we will have met many requirements in the handbooks of every age group and be a little more PREPARED.


  1. Love that cat design, so fun. I have a wooden cat tree puzzle, was thinking it would be fun to make a design from it.


  2. You are getting so much done Julie! The cats are charming. Hey... And... I listed your blog for "Liebster" - a concept new to me, but check out the post if you'd like. I enjoy your blog almost as well as I enjoy you in person:). Cheers, Cynthia

  3. I am not really a cat person, but I love your cats. They have personality!

  4. What a clever design -makes a great little mat.

  5. A very clever design indeed. Please tell me that you have a pattern for it and you didn`t just cut it out freehand.... So you do train for earthquake safety. When I was small and living in Montreal we used to have air raid drills and we had to go in the basement. I guess it was the McCarthy era and there was fear of nuclear war... or something.

  6. Wow! I love that little cat mat! Very cute and such a clever pattern. I am sure it is going to be very popular!

  7. Clever tessellating cats. It's nice when our beloved ones take an interest in our work isn't it, Al surprises me by the things he chooses to comment on! The safety training sounds a good indeed and rather intense but considering what could occur it is a good idea for everyone.

  8. Cute cats Julie. I've hand quilted a couple of small pieces this week and now my fingers are hugely swollen but I did enjoy doing it. Our weather is quiet on this last day of March but it's so foggy that I can't see the lake at all - and that's not very far! I plan to spend the day in the sewing room. Monday I'm going on our quilt guild retreat for 4 days so I have to gather everything together but I also should have time to do a little stitching. blessings, marlene

  9. I love those cats. What pattern did you use? I have not seen that one before. Have fun with your Scouts!

  10. Cudowne te koty!!!!!I cudowny blog:)

  11. WOW!! If the husband aproves they must be good xx lol x Have a great visit x

  12. I have a friend that would love the cats. Wish I knew how to make them. They are so cute. Can we still get the pattern? Is it paper pieced?

  13. Mom,

    This is adorable and I'm sure it will be much admired at the auction --thank you! You could really make some money by publishing this pattern for other quilters to use. I think it would be very popular!

  14. I've always loved that pattern too. Wouldn't mind a lesson next time I see you!

  15. I love those kittens! Too cute!!

  16. I love cats and I like this pattern. Oh, ... husbands, they rarely pay attention to our work )) Julia

  17. OOh. LOVE your tessellating cat runner!!!
