
Friday, July 20, 2012

Boston activities

A visit to the Boston Museum of Fine Arts included a surprise quilt-fix in the Art of the Americas wing. The entire exhibit was very well done with good historical descriptions of the paintings and period furniture as well as this lovely quilt.

Having been an art major so long ago, I was pleased to see how well attended the exhibits were, family groups, lecture groups, children and adults of all ages.

At The Kelleher Rose Garden, I paid a visit to the "Liff" rose.
This blooming beauty was hybridized and registered by my father and dedicated to Justine Mee Liff, a longtime Boston parks commissioner. 

No Boston trip would be complete without a few trips to my daughter's garden plot. 

She had a great selection of flowers as well as vegetables. We picked up peas and tomatoes and squash of assorted kinds and perhaps some green peppers.

We had rain moving through in fits and starts and kind of grabbed the goodies between showers.

The garden has even more of my dad's roses and all were doing so well. I felt my dad would have been pleased to see the next generation valuing the results of his passion for roses.

We had planned more activities for the afternoon but somewhere along the way, the skies opened up and even an umbrella was no match for the deluge. We half-swam home and pealed off wet-to-the-core clothing.

Yesterday we began the day with free Tai Chi lessons in the park. The class was well  attended, perhaps 18 people, and part of a series of park events my daughter is involved in organizing.

We took the afternoon to have a delightful visit and lunch with my daughter's friend, Bob Pessek, who just happens to have come from my Dad's home town of Silver Lake MN. He was quite familiar with all the members of that Bohemian community, aunts, uncles, cousins ... It is truly a small world after all.

See how nicely we cleaned off those plates! No room left for dessert either.

Daughter Marie and I worked it off with another trip to the garden, this time for some pruning as well as picking the goodies. Tonight we will take off for the North and a bit of hiking and fishing and canoeing and whatever my crew has planned.

I have to admit, I have hardly touched my piecing so there won't be much of that to show. Five blocks in a little zip-lock bag slipped out of my bag during the first change from the no-go plane. No one was able to locate it so row #1 will need a re-do of those five blocks. Row three is almost done but out of 15 rows, it isn't much. I must have been dreaming when I packed the whole thing!


  1. Oh Julie! What a wonderful trip you are having. All of the memories that you are making with your daughter. All the past memories you were able to catch up on with your friend. A wonderful legacy of roses that your Father has left in his roses!

  2. I didn't realize you were in my neck of the woods, sounds like you are having a wonderful time with your family.
    Are you hitting the local quilt stores? I need to head north this fall and hit the stores for myself and gift giving.


  3. Wow, I love that your father bred that gorgeous rose and your daughter's garden looks so lush and fruitful. What a wonderful trip you are having, I assume you are well over the germs now. It made me laugh that you haven't done much sewing as you are usually so prolific, you are so busy doing other things it seems. Sorry that you lost those blocks on the plane. I think I have caught up with you now, I wonder how long your trip is and look forward to sharing in it via your blog.

  4. How wonderful you could visit the rose garden, so special. Tai Chi, in the public area, what a bonus for everyone enjoy everything with your family.Sorry the blocks are lost,Hope the finder really appreciates their find.Cheers,Jean

  5. I am just catching up on my blog reading. Your holiday looks wonderful and you must be collecting some wonderful memories to take home and cherish!

  6. It is lovely to see all the places you have visited. What a fascinating family history you have with the breeding and growing of roses. It's lovely to see all generations involved.

  7. Can't believe you haven't gotten all those blocks put together! Lookin' good at the Tai Chi. Keep on rolling, Julie.

  8. I love all your pictures - especially the rose. So beautiful. blessings, marlene

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