
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A not-so-banner day

One of my pending challenges is to make a banner again this year. As in former years, it is to hang in the church entry-way and represent the stewardship theme for this year. As I was out of the country when the committee met, I had no  input at all into the decisions that were made.

The title selected is, "One in the Spirit" and someone with good computer skills came up with  the first drawing on the left, a dove with the words, "One in the Spirit - Tokyo Union Church, written along the left edge. Well, it is a circle which does suggest some unity...

Then someone else removed the circle and added the three figures around the dove. Then the original artist made the figures smaller.

To me, it looks like three guys fighting over a ball! 
I was then handed these drawings to use in my banner. Looking them over, the dove is by far the most artistic.

My big problem is not with using that design so much as that I don't find it that much of a theme for Stewardship. Sure, it is nice to feel like a congregation as diversified as TUC is all united as one but to my thinking, that is just a feel-good statement. Where is the commitment that comes with it? We already have plenty of people who sing the loud, repetitive songs with their hands raised in praise but when the collection plate comes by, pass it along without a pause to drop anything in, or fill out a request to help with the homeless meals, or help with the youth programs.

Anyway, I drafted out the dove on to some paper, extending it beyond the circle.

Checking in my stash, I came up with some solid color fabric. It isn't exactly what I might choose were I to go out shopping but is is what I've got and I am being nagged to get this done in a big hurry.

So here is what I have so far. I appliqued these bits together and couldn't help thinking of all those modern quilters out there who cut those pieces and just fuse them together like a giant puzzle and stitch them zig-zag over the seems  with a machine. The way I feel about this banner, that would at least get it over with in a hurry with less time to feel irritated.

I will put black bias over the circle part of the dove and make the lettering a bit larger.

If it turns out, everyone can look at it and feel good for a year.
Maybe next year I can sit in on the discussions and come up with a theme that makes ME feel good.

If anyone can think of words that might be added (not that I enjoy appliqueing letters) I might just make a change on my own.

I think it is time to visit my + and X blocks!


  1. I think you are brave to tackle it!! I do think the blck out line will help... but then I love celtic work xx good luck x

  2. So - what is stewardship? It isn't a word I use, since I have seen it used basically as excuse to buy nice things. Then people use the nice thing once a week for church purposes and say it is stewardship. You must know what it really is if you've made an annual banner...?!

  3. Always fun to not be included in the decisions, but I see you have come up with a better solution to the design and still kept with the original theme. Any words or thoughts I can think of would be more like a verse. Can you do stitchery on it, with a saying?


  4. Oh Julie, I'm sorry you're obliged to work on this project without any input or conviction that it is right, you are wonderful to even attempt it in those circumstances and I am sure you will make a wonderful job of it - you couldn't not with your skill and dedication. I actually like the design but, like you, can't connect it specifically with stewardship. Could you add the words Time, Talent and Treasure? I'm sure you don't want to applique or embroider a long verse!

  5. hmmm... have to think about this one.
    I, too, like the design but am not seeing the correlation with the dove and stewardship. The above commenter was on target with Time, Talent, Treasure. I get the "One in Spirt" and the dove... but then is the stewardship a call to the people to give to the church for missions, outreach, budget/tithing, etc., or the call to BE good stewards of all we have been given... which extends outside the visible church to our homes, workplace, community, etc. Also, like the idea of embroidery rather than applique. Just a thought. Sorry for the rambling.

    On a lighter note... had to LOL with the guys fighting over a ball. I thought is looked more like a bicycle / scooter. ;-)

  6. Julie I must confess that the dove does not stand out to me - I had trouble finding it for a minute. But I do like the idea of adding words. In my church we use the words time, talent, prayer, service, support when pledging to join a church. Not sure if that helps. blessings, marlene

  7. Having just made a Noah's Ark quilt, I have been thinking about the Dove as a bringer of good news, a sign that trials are over, tangible evidence of hoped-for change and a chance to begin anew. I was wondering if the word "VISION" might bring in the idea of the dove as having a birds' eye view (above all bickering, not just boys bickering with a ball - too funny, BTW), but also the idea of thinking of the future for the next generations -- THEN, to me, anyway, there is a notion of stewardship.
