
Friday, October 26, 2012

Out with the old ... in with the new

Or ... In with the old, out with the new!

The tiny  Kinmokusei flowers of last week are now decorating the moss in our ally. They used all their power to perfume the air and gave in to the first rain.

 Two new cyclamen joined the planter flowers.

I used to get large pots of cyclamen as gifts in the old days of entertaining. They were so beautiful while they lasted but ever so fussy to care for.

This garden variety, on the other hand, thrives on neglect. They don't mind pot or planter or sharing space with a summer blooming petunia. As the summer draws to a close, the leaves push up and flowers soon follow. These hardy little fellows will be putting on a show all winter.

Today, with the help of my trusty garden assistant, the little front bed was weeded and trimmed and lily bulbs were planted ... an early birthday present to a lily-loving grandma.

The old is out and the new is in and the promise of things to come ....

And here is the old that came in this week, two boxes of fabrics that got cleaned out of a friend's mother-in-law's home.

I hardly need more stash but... can I say "No thank you"?
So here it is, lots of light solids, gingham in assorted colors, and a few prints as well.

It will be a while before it is turned into "new" but I do see something in the future ... if I can just figure out where to put it..

.And ... as long as we are adding fabric, here is a bit of new that flew in the other day from Erin, of "My Patchwork Life"

I know this will go with a special group of fabrics I have been assembling for a project I have in mind and it will be fun to look at it and think of my blogging friend.

I missed out on the bloggers quilt festival this year. I just waited too long and then something went wrong with the router and there was no e-mail connections.

Here is what we did instead of sitting by the computer.

Leia came with a super-big (at least for Japan) pumpkin.

We scooped out lots of innards.

She drew a sketch of the face she wanted,
and we carved it!

Here she is, drawing in hand....

Pumpkin is lit.

Grandma gets the hug ...

The old is in with the hugger and the new is out on the gate post for the neighborhood to enjoy.


  1. What a lovely combination of old and new with the garden, fabric and pumpkin.. It looks like all activities were very enjoyable!

  2. looks like a wonderful time was had all round xx

    YOU HAD to accept the fabric!... it would have been very rude not to xx lol xx

  3. I love getting out, this time of year, still nice but cooler air.
    Your granddaughter is adorable and so fun to garden and carve pumpkins with her.


  4. Lovely post - flowers and pumpkins... Your granddaughter is a sweetie. And oh all that lovely fabric that you have to use...

  5. Hello Julie! The flowers and the garden have beautiful flowers; and I think it is a lovely gift. Yes, it is impossible to say 'no thanks'; and I'm sure you will make amazing works. Leia is a beautiful girl and I love your Jack'o'lantern! Such a special hug!! Lovely post!!



  6. I like your little garden assistant. I bet she makes gardening more fun even when it is just weed pulling.
    Space the final frontier. I think we would all love to discover more of it!

  7. How sweet! Although the gate now looks a little spooky ;-)

  8. Great pumpkin Leia! Have fun with the new fabrics.

  9. I love the pictures of you with your little one! What fun to carve a pumpkin with a child - their wonder and joy is worth all the mess. :) blessings, marlene

  10. The flowers are beautiful. Love the pumpkin and your granddaughter is adorable!

  11. Mom, I treasure the shot of you and Leia with the pumpkin. So sweet. I miss you both, and all the rest over there! Love, Julie

  12. You can tell I'm really behind reading blogs. I'm glad your package arrived!
