
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Follower's block 6

Sitting next to my computer, on the top of my thread stand, is this charming card made by "Queenie".

Note the eyes ... watching me make the next "followers block" and you can imagine why it has taken me so long.

Queenie is a master of needlework. You can check out her blog and see for yourself .

Queenie lives in the area and I have been fortunate to meet her in person twice. She is also a friend of Lis of Piece'n Peace, who I also met a year ago. How interesting that two out of those blocks have more of a connection than just comments on a post.

After struggling for several weeks, I have come to the conclusion I will never be satisfied with whatever I come up with.

I wanted something with sparkle but finding cotton  was a challenge and I didn't think sequins and beads would work on a bed cover.
I wanted something with a Japanese touch but was not so happy with the center piece once it was in place.
I thought the spool fabric had meaning but the color is not so stunning.
I added Queenie's initials but that print, although a good size, is too light in color. Then I spent a number of fruitless hours searching for a piece of blue fabric printed with little flags, When it turned up, there was no flag of Sweden.

Ah well, when all you have is lemons ... make lemonade! So I added a bit of flawed stitchery. If you want the real thing, you will have to visit Queenie. She is a great person to get to know. She is a font of knowledge  and generous in sharing it with others.
Though the block is not so hot, it will be enough to remind me of the warmth and sparkle of this friend.

AND... for those of you who wonder about my caterpillar pinewood derby car, It hit a snag in the track twice and flipped. The second flip broke out the wheel, which went sailing across the room. My competitors were quite happy to see it eliminated. It made the District races one car shorter, and it has been added to the inventory of "cars from the past" on my Scouting blog.
Many of my former cars have been on exhibit at the National Jamboree the last few Jambos, but this year there will be no Boys' Life Whittlers at the new site. I will be curious to see what the future will bring as the site gets further developed.

The + and X block quilt has only a tiny bit more to go before adding the binding. Now as I work, I will be thinking of the next block of my blogging friends.


  1. Life is not about perfection,( I think the stitching is perfect!!) but the love and thought that is in any quilt, and you have it there in huge amounts. Love the colours together.I hopped over to Lis also.Greetings from Jean

  2. Your friendship blocks are wonderful, Julie. It's moving to see and read how much you care about each one, trying to express some particular details of the person, so that each one feels unique & special to you...


  3. I agree - Queenie is a master of needlework - and I think you have captured that very well in your thoughtful thoughtful block!

  4. I'm sitting here blushing! Oh, Julie, your description of me is far too kind and sounds so unreal. Am I all of that? No, you have forgotten impatient, restless, showy and my Miss Know-It-All-syndrome...
    Anyway, you have made a fantastic block. I have been looking with a magnifying glass but can find no flawed stitchery, indeed I was wondering if you had made those neat blanket stitches on your machine when I remembered that you have no machine! The Swedish flag has been embroidered with metallic thread for the golden sunny cross, you've looked for prints with initials, sparkly stars and added three tone-on-tone pieces (by chance? it is my most common type of 'print'). You have captured my thread stash in the bobbin print. All pieces are set in a crazy quilt design with lace and, correct me if I am wrong, part of a Scout emblem in the centre. YOU are the master with the carefully thought planning and all the attention to detail.
    THANK YOU, Julie! (I hope those eyes on the lady's portrait aren't to intimidating!)

  5. Hi Julie, you sure have been busy (as always!) We've finally had a chance to catch up on your activities since March. Your friendship blocks, and star quilt, are just lovely and we enjoyed your photos of the park and flowering trees. WE are happy that spring has sprung in your corner of the world! ~ M & D at Q.I.

  6. it is a lovely block... and as the idea is to remind you of friends and followers then it is a winner x

  7. It is so wonderful that you are making these blocks that hold meaning of your friends for you! This one is quite gorgeous despite the muted colours. I don't quite understand all you said about your derby car, but it sounds like it must have been a fun event.

  8. Oh Julie, that block is gorgeous. Your friend will love it. Too bad about the caterpillar car. It was so cute and you spent so much time on it. Next year?

  9. Another wonderful block!! Your ability to capture the essence of each of your friends is incredible - what a wonderful memory quilt of friendships this will be!! So sorry about your caterpillar car - he was such a cutie! And no Boy's Life Whittlers at the new site? - What a shame! - Is there not enough room or is there no longer any interest in whittling? - ;))

  10. Interesting. The blue fabric with the shiny stars that you chose, is the same fabric that I've been sewing into my Harry Potter block today (Week #12). You'll have to check it out when I get it done. Oh yea, I keep meaning to tell you that I was supposed to be a 'lefty', too, only my father kept putting everything on my right hand side. I'm now kinda ambidextrous in most things instead.

  11. Hi Julie, whatever you make is beautiful!!!! Have a lovely week!

    I love your crazy quilt very much....sandra

  12. love the stitching you did on the block Julie

  13. Catching up - Carin's block is perfect. I am "gobsmacked" (horrid word but it sums up my feelings) at the amount of thought that you put into each of these blocks, I think you maybe know us better than we know ourselves!
