
Friday, April 26, 2013

Small finishes

My small quilt group met today. I lugged my + and x quilt on train and bus and now have only about an hours worth of quilting before the binding can be put on. Between yesterday's train rides into town for choir practice  and today, I completed the points on another star.

Here is Lis's block with points. I had pulled out about ten different fall leaf prints but after trying several, kept coming back to the blue background.

Maybe cherry blossoms and fall leaves look a bit strange together but It was under the cherry trees last year that I walked and talked with Lis.

My other small finish was this quilt block I made for my April Quilters Book Club story.

I decided on this "Garden Path" for several reasons. I have chosen two dark "pickle" fabrics to use in each block. That has made my first blocks a bit on the dark side. I thought adding some floral prints, even two inch squares and half squares, would brighten up the block a bit more.

The book is "The Quilter's Apprentice" by Jennifer Chiaverini. At the end of the story, it is in the garden, that Sarah's husband Matt had so beautifully restored, where Sylvia and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Emberly, begin their reconciliation.. Now I am hoping to get the next book so I will be ready for May's reading.

This will probably be all the progress for a few days. I am off to the woods to camp with the boys. (and possibly teach them something about plants in the area). The train ride will be several hours each way and I have no sewing left to take ... and my book is finished ... well, I do have a book I can take. (and of course, the brain is in motion).
Have a nice weekend. I know I will.


  1. Wow Julie !!! you are working nice : two other beautiful bloks: I love the cherries in your star.
    I also finished reading the quilter's apprentice from Jennifer chiaverini some months ago and I really liked it. So julie,Enjoy your second book:)

  2. Lis WILL be pleased with her block!
    You are so knowledgeable about quilt patterns and can always find a suitable design.
    Have fun at the camp.

  3. Look at you! Such pretty blocks. Enjoy the Boy Scout trip.

  4. Have a great time in the woods. My block is fabulous, I love it.

  5. I love the block you chose to make for The Quilter's Apprentice and the reason behind your choice.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Lis's block is lovely - this is a pattern I return to again and again. I love your fabric choices.

  8. Ooh, they are both so pretty. Your blog always inspires me to go quilt!
