
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Owl meets boy ...

and other reunion pictures.

Finally, the owl quilt met it's new owner.

I didn't hear any complaints.

A sign pen and the zodiac list went along so other relatives can sign the back too.

As you can see, this "baby" quilt leaves a lot of room to grow.

Minnesota provided a week of beautiful weather and visits with more relatives than I can remember.

I had a good visit with my younger brother and sisters. Both my sisters are quilters and while one worked on a baby quilt for her newest grandchild, the other helped add quilting to the owl's border.

Four out of six kids made it to Minnesota.

It was fun having this gang together. We missed Ken's gang as he was on fire duty and Norie's remaining in Tokyo.

Maybe in three more years we can make it all together.
In Oregon we hiked and enjoyed nature,

Ben and Ken with Ryden

Naomi in the oak forest.

Irene, Kimie and Ryden....

And all the rest.

Two weeks just flew by.

I got my "book fix" at Powell"s Books.
I finished my book club book and am thinking of a quilt block to make for that one. Meanwhile I finished a second book, "Tallgrass" by Sandra Dallas, recommended by another blogging friend.

The worst of the heat was over when I returned to Tokyo. Construction has begun on the lot across the street. Yesterday was bulldozer work all day and today there is loud vibrations as a machine compacts the dirt and added gravel.

My little flowers seem happy to be getting full sun ... even if they will soon be shaded by a house. They don't appear to be bothered by all the noise.

Tomorrow I will attend a craft show with friends.
Then our choir will leave for Tohoku, where we will sing in a service to dedicate one of our sister churches that we have helped restore. Never a dull moment!


  1. He is adorable and looks so cute on his quilt. It looks like you had a wonderful time with your family.


  2. Lovely wee boy on his very own quilt, a treasure he will so love in years to come, A great family gathering, very special. Tohoku, will think of you there. Greetings from Jean.

  3. Looks like you had a lovely time.

  4. I am sure that 2 weeks waas not nearly enough time xx soon return in order I feel x glad you got to deliver the quilt in person x looks like a wonderful visit xx

  5. Julie I love the picture of this sweet baby on the owl quilt. Tell mom to take a picture every year on his birthday of him on the quilt - what a story that would tell. :) blessings, marlene

  6. it looks like you had a lovely time visiting family in the states - we like Minnesota and Oregon! I will be near Minnesota soon. Love the quilt with the baby - so nice that he will grow into it - the one thing I do not like about baby quilts is normally they are small and baby outgrows them quickly. This one will be used through childhood!

  7. He looks so cute between the owls eyes. I'm sure he'll grow into that whole owl much faster than anyone wants him to. Have fun singing! Glad your trip was full of family. Those are always the best trips.

  8. Oh how darling that photo is of baby and the big quilt. It would be fun every birthday to take a photo - we do that with our grandson and his daddy's teddy bear - it is amazing how that teddy bear has shrunk over the years.

    I'm glad you had such a great visit - and got a wonderful photo of family.

  9. It must have been great to meet all those relatives in the States, quilt with your sisters and find new books to read this autumn.
    Time flies and you soon had to return to Japan. I am glad to hear the worst of the heat is gone and hopefully the weather will continue to be comfortable.

  10. Awww, kawaii!! What an adorable little man :)

  11. Love the picture of the baby on the quilt. I didn't realize just how large the quilt was, although considering what size the pieces were for the backing I should have taken note.

    How wonderful it must have been to visit with family. Those kinds of visits are best!

  12. It is so good to have family time and the quilt looks wonderful with its gorgeous new owner!

  13. What a cutie pie! Actually, all the little ones are little cuties. I believe the owl quilt will be getting lots of loving in the upcoming years.
    I hope Ken and his fire companions are staying safe.

  14. Great photo of the baby on his new quilt!

  15. Wow. You really are super busy! Looks like that baby is going to love his quilt!!

  16. Hi, Julie. What lovely photos and what a lovely family. I just love Portland, and I always spend a day in Powell's Books when I visit my family. I'm just an Oregonian at heart!
    best, nadia

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