
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

My 12th book club block

January's Book Club read was "The Healing Quilt" by Lauraine Snelling. In the story, four very different women get together to create a quilt to raise money for a new Mammogram unit for the community hospital. In so doing, new friendships and support, work to overcome struggles in each of their lives.

There was no picture of the quilt but it was said to be a "Sunburst" design and used burgundy and mauve with blue and cream.

It took me some time to come up with a block design but I found something similar to this in one of my block books, listed under the name, "sunburst".

I am trying to use a touch of the pickle fabric in each of my blocks so that will stand for the burgundy.

My purple stash is probably the smallest of all my color bins but I pulled out a few that might be called "mauve".

The "cream" is just un-bleached muslin and is a bit warmer than it looks in the photo.

This makes twelve twelve-inch blocks. With two-inch sashing, I could have a nice quilt to read under. But, then again, I plan to keep going. I have a pattern sketched out for the next book but it takes time to make it into a pattern for a twelve-inch block. Then, of course there is this month's read. I am tossing a few ideas around for that one too.

Many of my blogging friends take part in "swaps" and seem to enjoy them. For me, I think the pressure of making something for someone else to use might put an edge on the fun of creating. At least in this way, I can enjoy the read, enjoy the group and discussions, and only worry ablut satisfying myself in my own time frame. It is a challenge but not overly challenging.

If you like to read and like this kind of a challenge, you should check it out at starwoodquilter. It is never to late to begin.


  1. each to her own xx love the placement of the fabrics in your block x well done x

  2. I'm with you on the swaps - I've done some and actually ended up throwing away over half the blocks because they weren't square, weren't the right size, weren't fixable, were of bad, cheap fabric and a host of other problems. I find it easier to just make my own blocks and then I have what I need. Your blocks are wonderful - I love how you make them to match the book club.

  3. I prefer challenges to swaps but I do like to send gifts to people, that way I make things and share them and no pressure.

