
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Not much quilting getting done

Well. after lots of noisy digging and stamping and grinding, the new street is in.

There was a plan to raise the manhole but that seems to have been scrapped. The west side did get a proper gutter and the new pavement appears to slope in that direction.

Look what a lovely job the pavers made of leaving my plantings!

Here is the view in the other direction.

The new pavement goes a little beyond the south wall and covers that neighbor's weed strip next to her parking pavement.

The future plan is, that when our house would be re-built, the road will be widened up to the edge of where the house is now.

Of course, this road really goes nowhere. the end to the north is only about four feet wide. As is, only very small cars and motorcycles can
drive here.

And the pavers even protected the little hole that my neighbor to the north is so possessive of.

I wonder what the hole signifies to Narita-san.
He may have a bigger problem cleaning it because it is no longer concrete on the sides. The pavers put a wooden plug taped to the wall and paved around it.

Well, today it is raining and last time I checked, there are two small puddles ... one at the north end of the new pavement and one where it joins at he south.

No lake in front of my gate. Of course, it is not raining all that hard.

So, what am I doing instead of quilting?

Sunday I will attend an Eagle Court of Honor for one of my former Scouts.

I offer my Cub Scouts a challenge that if they graduate to Boy Scouts having met all the requirements in the book plus the Conservation and Religious awards (not just what it takes to earn the Arrow of Light). I will carve them a neckerchief slide.

That slide is a hand making the "Scout sign".
Every year there are a few boys who take on the challenge and I have noticed these "Goal Setters" often carry on to become Eagle Scouts. When that Scout invites me to his Court of Honor, I carve him an Eagle slide. Well, I have been so busy with other things, the slide was becoming a deadline.

Making something for a boy is a joy, but a deadline is not so when I was prepping for the cub whittling, I cut out an eagle shape. Yesterday I whittled and today I added the paint.

My cubs passed their challenge. One mother brought a box of band-aids as insurance but there was not even one nick. Of course this morning as I was cleaning up a few of the feathers with a small knife, I nicked my finger. There used to be a standing joke that anyone getting one of my carved slides should check for blood to make sure it was an authentic "Fukuda". Well, Josh, you will be getting the real thing when you remove your first slide to replace it with the eagle.

Long train rides tonight plus a meeting so the quilting will not be forgotten.


  1. Lovely neighbourhood scenery! I think they did a nice job...
    Be careful, while making your "Fukuda" ! *Ü*
    Enjoy your quilting on the train, my friend,

  2. how wonderful to have a "real" path to walk on .. and ...for the present anyway .. no lake to paddle through x take care in your busy life x

  3. The street looks nice. I am not a big fan of close homes but I like how your street looks and it would be nice to walk along the streets without having to jump in a car. The hand is a wonderful gift for the boys.


  4. It must be nice to have the street finished and your plants still in place. You surely do keep busy. And as always, your talents amaze me - quilting, painting, carving and fabulous composition in your photos.

  5. Love the paving around the hole. Smirk.

  6. Great slide. Glad the paving is done. Bet it is a relief.

  7. Good to have the paving done. I do hope there is still no lake when the rain is heavier.
    I think that is a wonderful gift to make for your cubs for their achievements.

  8. I love that you take the time to make something special for the boys who have raised to the challenge!

  9. It looks to be a very nice quiet neighbourhood and the pavers were very considerate.

  10. Lucky Scouts - and I'm glad your street is quiet once again! Seeing your photos makes me miss our little street in Tokyo.
