
Thursday, March 19, 2015

Boston snow

Tuesday was a LONG day, filled with Scout Executive Board Meeting, Charter Review and Presentation Meeting. and afternoon Board self assessment. In the evening was a dinner with award presentations and the like. Even though I excused myself before everything was over, it was way past my bedtime by the time I returned home.

Luckily, just before the day, another snowflake arrived, this one from daughter, Marie, in Boston.

Note the lowest one at the bottom.

Well, considering the weather she has had this winter, it is no wonder she could come up with such a lovely pattern.

Certainly having a bit of handwork to do, made the meeting ... if not go faster ... a bit less of a waste of time.

Believe it or not, I can listen and answer questions or make comments even better when my hands are occupied.

Now it is Thursday evening in Tokyo. I am skipping choir practice because in a few hours son, Ken, DIL Zia,and baby Ryden will come through my door for a visit.  Am I ready? You bet, I can hardly wait! Is the house ready? No, and even after days and days of sorting, it is still a big mess. All the cleaning I did last week has been un-done.  It is raining so the laundry is hanging in the house. Well, at least it is clean.

Hopefully the weather will clear up and we can go birding and enjoy the outdoors so we don't have to figure out where we can possibly sit in this place!


  1. The snowflakes are wonderful - and I agree - I like to keep my hands busy. I just know you will have a wonderful time visiting with family and enjoying your time together.

  2. Hope they get to see some sakura!

  3. Stunning snowflakes, and a family visit, full of love and laughter, hope we get to see some photos.

  4. Love how it is coming along and such beautiful designs for the snowflakes.
    I think most woman can do at least three things at a time;)
    I hope the weather clears and you can get out and enjoy the day with the family.


  5. hope you have a great time with your family.

  6. It is lovely seeing the snowflakes being added.
    Have a wonderful time with your family.

  7. Have a wonderful time with your family. Snowflakes are looking good, are you doing needle-turn
    applique? If so that looks tricky for me!
