
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

I almost missed it!

I often get distracted and miss things.

Already this month, I missed the day the vet comes to a local park and you can take your dog for her yearly shot and get new tags for the year for her to wear.
There are other shot opportunities in other parks but not as close to home ... and I can't read where to go.

Well, I have been distracted up in my little greenhouse by this orchid cactus. Last year was the first time it bloomed and this year I have been excited watching these buds get bigger and bigger by the day... kind of hoping it will not decide to open on  a day I am camping with the scouts....

Well, Yesterday the wash had to be done and hung in the greenhouse. Among all the stuff arranged on the bar and clippies, I noticed one of my "regulars" blooming quietly on the step-tansu.

Six lovely flowers ... and I had been so busy watching the big one, I hadn't even noticed this one had buds!

Then I started checking around the room and saw buds forming on a number of plants.

They are not in their usual order of blooming.

The Easter cactus has not even begun to set buds.

The two spiny ones that are always first to bloom are still thinking things over.

My little tea-cup cactus has lots of flower spikes and it is about on time ... but I had moved it to a different location where it gets a bit less sun than other years.

Once the laundry is hung, you really can't see much of the plants...

but today the sun was out and it looked like the day was going to warm up.

The stuff hanging from yesterday was still damp so I opened the windows to the south so it wouldn't get too hot and to let in some fresh air.

And there, sitting at the corner of my roof, just inside the railing, an orchid in full bloom.

There are plenty of buds yet to open and I am thinking I really should bring this downstairs and set it where we can enjoy it.
Of course, the roof is the only place that gets sun so it might not be too happy on my table.

If you want something that thrives on neglect ... this is it!

I can't even squeeze out into this space to pull out the weeds.
It gets water when it rains.
It gets snow in winter and plenty of heat in summer.

And quilting can't be done on the train rides but after finishing the basting on Monday, I started with the center block and have managed to put the in-the-ditch quilting in four blocks.

My plan is to go back and add quilting in the sashing and larger areas.

I still have not picked a pattern

The batting is thinsulate #60 and really doesn't need a lot of close quilting to hold it in place.

I guess I have plenty of time to figure out what I am going to do in the larger spaces and those big green triangles joining the blocks together. I may go back and re-visit the books for additional ideas.


  1. How wonderful that you have so many blooms - and I'm glad that you didn't miss them.

  2. Lovely, Julie!! Both the flowers and the quilting progress!!

  3. Pretty pretty flowers of yours. Thanks for sharing the beauty with us. It made my day.

    1. The Orchid cactus came down to the dining room where we can watch it open and the orchid went to the stand by the front door where passers by can see it. I know those flowers will last a lot longer (and warned my husband to be careful when stepping out with an umbrella)

  4. These plants do enjoy their perfect spot on the roof. What a lovely collection of flowers.

  5. Your flowers love you and bloom for you. Tanya and I are a bit 'brown thumbed' and at least I don't get much response from my plants. Maybe that is why I so often EMBROIDER flowers, ha, ha!

  6. Beautiful blooms. What a nice service for dogs and their owners.... Sorry you missed it this month. I love that blue sashing on your quilt!

  7. Your flowers are beautiful. I kind of get nervous with those plants since I was told not to damage those precious plants as a child, perhaps. Enjoy quilting!

  8. isn't it wonderful what you find when you go looking x all those little plants are wonderful ... the big one looks a bit like something out of Little Shop pf Horrors! Love the yellow one x

  9. What a fun surprise when the plants begin to bloom and present their lovely blossoms as a special springtime gift ! Julie, congratulations on completing the in-the-ditch quilt on four of your blocks for your album quilt. Your workmanship is fabulous, and your blocks will lend themselves perfectly to a large selection of quilting patterns. Please keep us posted, as we love following your progress on your projects. Warm wishes and blessings, from Marina and Daryl

  10. So many beautiful flowers! I wish I could see them in person and get advice from you on cacti. I have several and I just leave them in my sunny window and water them once in a while. And they bloom occasionally too but I never know when to expect it. I'm enjoying seeing your progress on the bookclub quilt. I did email Susan wondering where she was and she responded eventually saying everything was fine in her world, she was just on to new and different things.

  11. I sure love your quilt. Very nice. I never remember anything, even with notes all over the house.
