
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

It's been a while.....

At the end of September, I posted a picture of a baby quilt I was working on for one of the teachers at school.
That Friday, I went to school for half a day and when I left home, the quilt was lying on the sofa where I usually sit to work on it. My laptop was sitting beside it on the buckle box that holds my solid fabrics.
As I left, I said to my husband, "Please don't sit on the quilt. It has pins in it".  " Oh no, says he, I never sit on the sofa". Well, I know that is not exactly correct because that very morning I saw food crumbs and his coffee cup sitting on the table in front, next to my sewing box. Just in case, I put a box and a wastepaper can on the sofa to keep Nikko from climbing up and possibly eating my notebook, and went off to school.
When I returned and sat down to work on the quilt, I found it piled up on the back of the sofa and draped over the buckle box. No laptop in sight.
Well, the reason it was not in sight is that it had been shoved down inside the sofa, in the space between the back and seat.... and it was very hot. In fact it was a good thing it had not started a fire. Sadly, that was the end of my laptop.

The other day I got a phone call from one of my friends who must be watching my blog activity, wondering if I was OK.

Frustrated ... but OK. My cell phone could connect to my e-mail ... not open attachments or pictures, but I wasn't completely cut off. I don't know how those thousands of young people walk and ride the train and stand around texting because that is not my idea of fun!

I took the opportunity of extra computer-free time to finish up the quilt and took it to school on Monday, October 4th. I left it in the office with a sign-pen and a request for signatures and messages on the hands from the rest of the staff.

The following Monday I thought I would bring it home and take a picture of the finished quilt and the signed back, but when I stopped off at the office to get the address of the teacher, the secretary told me they had something to send also and would include the quilt.
I should have taken it to a sunny room and taken a photo but I didn't think of it until after I was on my way home.

This week I got a letter from the teacher saying she was so touched by the quilt and cried while reading the messages. I am so happy that she liked it.

Yesterday I had a wonderful package come through the door ... a new laptop sent from my Son in Colorado ... a MacBook Air ... and all set up with most of the things I use from day to day.
It will take a bit of getting used to but Jon called me today and talked me through some of the hoops.
Tomorrow I will figure out how to add some pictures and maybe sort them so I can locate them when I want them and put them on a post.

I was a bit surprised how much I got done on the Christmas tree skirt and another project while I had no distractions on the computer. Still .... I don't think THAT is the way to get extra time.

Thank you darling Jon!


  1. Woohoo for a new computer (and son's who know how to set them up).

  2. So glad the new computer is there - you are going to have such fun, once you get the hang of things and I know you will catch on quickly. How nice that the teacher loved the quilt - it is always nice to be appreciated. Ok - no more sofas for your computers - keep them safe LOL

  3. All thanks to your son, this will be a dream to use, lightweight, and so soon you will be up and running. Maybe a safe place when not in use? And always so good to get thanks and praise,

  4. Thank you, Jon! What a sweetheart to send you a new computer - all set up! And I'm so glad the teacher liked the quilt - but no surprise there - we all knew that she would - ;))

  5. That sounds like something my husband would do, they just don't get it and nothing we say seems to get through to them, lol. I am glad your son sent you a new one and I love my macs, that is all I have ever used and I get confused when I use windows, so happy to help if I can.


  6. Congratulations! Your laptop caused you so much trouble in its old age; now, thanks to a loving son, your blog and email and photo troubles will soon be forgotten as you play with your new tool.
    Pityyou had no chance of taking a picture of the baby quilt, but maybe you could ask the teacher to send you a photo of the baby AND the quilt.

  7. Good news all around. I thought the teacher would like the baby quilt! I certainly do. I think you will come to love your Mac. I don't think it will give you the problems the old one did. That one was on its last legs and all is for the best. But how surprised you must have been when a new computer arrived unlooked for! What a wonderful son you have.

  8. I am so relieved to hear you finally have a new computer. I am sure it will be wonderful to you! Happy to hear the quilt was a success - as we all knew it would be.

  9. I hear you! My computer died at the end of September, and I am still trying to get used to my new MacBook Pro after using a PC for so many years. Great to hear from you!

  10. I have a Mac Julie and I love, love it! It does take some getting used to but it's so worth it! blessings, marlene

  11. its horrible being unable to contact friends .. but you now have a new laptop .. and soon we will be able to share all your lovely works again xx Have fun playing with it x

  12. HI Julie, we are so sorry to hear about your old computer, but we are thrilled about your new laptop! Hopefully, it will give you many years of service, due to your wonderful and thoughtful son ! Looking forward to seeing photos of all your fabulous work again.
    Take care, and best wishes, from Marina and Daryl

  13. After all those problems I am pleased there is a happy ending.
    It sounds like your quilt was really appreciated. That is lovely.
    And good luck with your new laptop!

  14. Hi Julie! Great to hear from you. Sorry for your laptop and hope new one does everything nicely! Looking forward to seeing pics soon.

  15. Your Nikko sounds like my Perky, he loves to chew up paper. I love your work, you are most talented. I have Apple products and like them, so hope you soon adjust to your new laptop. Nice son!
