
Monday, November 16, 2015

Shichigosan ... an excuse for family time

After listening to the rain all night long and leaving in the morning for choir with my newly embroidered umbrella, I was so very happy to see the sun peeking out in the afternoon.

Each November, Girls three and seven and boys age five get dressed in fancy clothing and go to a shrine for a blessing. For one small girl, Leia was very well represented with both sets of grandparents and my sister-in-law in attendance.

The location of choice was Omiya Hachiman, in the neighborhood where we once lived. It brought back many memories of festivals visited, the wonderful nature of the adjoining park, and the countless Jungle Crows hoping for a dropped treat.

The "Hamaya" is an arrow given by the shrine to kill any evil that may enter your home. These are often presented at various holidays. Leia's hair ornaments were those worn many years ago by my four daughters

It was a pleasant visit with all the family, followed by a grand meal at a local shop owned by a favorite chef who had moved up in the neighborhood from baking other shop's pizzas to owning his own very popular restaurant.

Don't we all look festive ... wearing corsages and lined up for a photo. I was surprised to find Norie wearing a gown I had once had made from kimono fabric. (a great alternative to be encased in a kimono and unable to breathe). The next big occasion for getting all gussied up in kimono will be on coming-of-age day ... age 20 and still a ways off.


  1. it looks like a wonderful day x Thank you for sharing the photos of the family x

  2. Wonderful family photo, and a beautiful wee girl, very solemn, hair ornaments with memories, and a meal to add the perfect finish.

  3. Your family photos are just wonderful Julie !!!
    Wishing you and all your family a marvellous time,

  4. What beautiful photos! Thank you for sharing.

  5. What beautiful photos! Thank you for sharing.

  6. What a wonderful family tradition and a beautiful family photo.


  7. What a lovely family and how wonderful to celebrate with them. Your granddaughter is so charming in her kimono.

  8. A lovely picture and what a little darling you have in you granddaughter

  9. The obi belt and accessories and zori shoes were also from our shichigosan, too, Mom! ❤

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. That is a wonderful family photo. Very special. How lovely to have shared many of the items from both generations. Thank you for sharing and explaining these beautiful customs.

  12. Great family day you had there. You look all very posh!

  13. I am so happy to see you all dressed up and celebrating with Leia. What an honour to wear the same kimono accessories as her Mum and aunts once wore.

  14. Thank you for showing this. Great photos of a beautifull girl and her family.

  15. Julie, what a gorgeous family photo ! You all look wonderful, and Leia is adorable in her lovely kimono. What a moment to treasure forever. It is very interesting to learn about the tradition of the "hamaya". Thank you for sharing this festive occasion with us ! Blessings, from Marina and Daryl

  16. How wonderful! Leia looks lovely!

  17. Oh my Gosh what beautiful photographs. Lovely family and beautiful Leia!

  18. Leia is so cute! Quite a beauty with the fancy hair and lovely kimono. And how neat that your daughter could be partly kimonoed too. I remember when my Leiya got dressed up for the 7,5,3 day and how horrified I was at the cost of all the dressing and hair styling etc. But even now I look fondly at those photos and think what a good memory we have. And Leiya never did the Coming of Age Day at 20 so these are the only kimono photos that I have of her! Cherish yours!
