
Friday, January 13, 2017

Almost done

I might say this is all done but I noticed a few of the white stitches came all the way through when I was adding the hanging sleeve, so I will take those out and try again.

Though navy blue seems like an easy color to match, I ended up using a bit lighter blue for the binding rather than have something that was not quite there.
I think this dark blue doesn't distract much from the pattern.

I ended up turning the bias twice to make it narrower and kind of rounded. I think it will wear better that way and I like the narrow look.

The Women's Conference is still two weeks away but now the pressure is off.

Next week will be the quilt show at the Tokyo Dome. Everyone is checking their calendars to find the best time to go.

I have two quilt groups going at different times, one member of my old group is giving a presentation on the 20th and the group is meeting up afterwards for lunch.
I am looking forward to meeting friends I don't see quite so often and I think my other group is going the following Monday when I will be working. My "partnership block" will be in quilt number 61 and Tanya's and Queenie's will both be in number 1. This year the blocks are smaller but it seems there are just as many quilts as usual. Those will be on the list to see, and the show itself is big enough to gobble up the hours. I just bought a new chip for my camera so I hope to get some good pictures to share. I may end up making a second trip later in the show.

Then the following weekend  will be the Women's Conference so this week I plan to make up "kits" for the "Quilting 101" class I will be teaching. Meantime, I am quilting on a table runner of the same design as this for my own coffee table

Wednesday past,  was the first anniversary of Paul's passing and we held a small family memorial by Skype. Norie and Paul's sister came here and we sat together in a row on the sofa for the visit. (I think it was a first for Obachan and she was happy to be part of the clan) With time zones for Boston, Colorado, Oregon, and Tokyo, it is amazing we could pull it off. But then, when those kids come up with a plan ... there is no stopping them! It was a good two hour visit and we are hoping to do it again in the future.

So ... that is it for this week. It's back to school on Monday and the schedule picks up. I have to admit though, it was nice having down time for quilting and getting rid of my cold. Who knows what new germs the kids will bring back from their holiday travels.


  1. I see nothing wrong with your quilt, the stitches give it charm;)
    I need to fix one of mine, Bill painted the wall and got it on the border, binding so I will have to take it off and redo it.


  2. I like the blue border and the lighter binding, like a photo frame, and that lovely stitching for the words. This is a treasure. A skype call, that would be very special, and as I know, quite difficult to co-ordinate, one year, where has that gone Julie? Hugs as I think of you right now.

  3. This is a lovely finis on your quilt. So good to have it done well before the deadline.
    And have a wonderful time at the quilt show!!
    It is hard to believe 12 months have passed since Paul's passing. My thoughts and beast wishes are with your and your family. So pleased you were able to organize a special time together.

  4. I, too, love the blue binding and wonder where the year went. What a wonderful way to honor Paul and to visit through Skype - and to include Obachan was very special, indeed. Those kids of yours are wonderful!! Can't wait to follow along with you on your tour of the quilt show - and good for you to get your quilt done early - now relax and breathe - ;))

  5. Time flies, you have managed very well on your own, with a little help from Norie and the others, and with Nikko for company.
    Skype is a great invention and it was fantastic that you all could meet at the same time in spite of the dime differences.
    Do you know, I think the binding in lighter blue enhances the quilted text. Your eye is drawn to the border and the words by that binding.

  6. Skype is a wonderful way to gather family together. Obaachun must have been very happy to see all the family this way on your special day of honoring Paul. I love your Bento Box with the beautiful border--well done!

  7. The quilt is great! I really need to learn how to Skype, so I can 'see' my kids in Alaska, not just listen to them. Glad your family got together that way.

  8. I like the bright binding!
    What wonderful children you must have. We are a very small family but thanks to my children those of us gathered at Christmas could talk to my son at his girlfriend's in Washington and see them both.

  9. Enjoy the quilt show and I am looking forward to seeing some lovely photos :)

  10. The dark blue does a wonderful job of framing the pieced blocks. Isn't technology great? Talk about being able to bring the family together for a special love one. I'm looking forward to seeing your photos of the quilt show.

  11. Love the blues framing the quilt - and what a great thing that you all were able to "be together" for such a memory. Modern times are amazing and wonderful at times.
