
Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The quickie quilt

I decided to let the backing decide the size of the quilt. It is now 43inches by 55 inches. Probably will be large enough to use for some time.

I alternated dark and light prints and turned them in all directions so there will not be a top or bottom.
I needed to add two more inches to the quilt so as not to waste the backing. The only green I had that matched the flowers on the print was short ... actually a left-over from one of my first quilts. I just added floral cornerstones between the strips so they are rather random in placement.

Now, to get this laid out and basted ... Maybe I should go early to choir and use the floor at church.
I am already in trouble at school because a "needle" or maybe a pin... was found on the library floor. I was asked by the art teacher to prepare some materials for a class that involved sewing thin gauzy fabric into larger pieces and asked to take it to the library when the kids were using the art room....
however, the pins I used were safety pins.  I think the needle came from one of those airline kits and there may have been pins in that pack but I never took them out. Nevertheless, I was seen sewing in the library and the art teacher verified that I used the library to sew something. Anyway, we shall see what happens on Monday. My pins have big colorful heads that are easy to spot when dropped. Maybe I should take them along to compare.

The weekend is drawing near and there is an awful lot on my plate before Monday comes around.


  1. Very nice quilt - I still just love scrappy squares the best. Good idea too, to turn them different directions. Sorry about the pin/needle mess - hope they realize it wasn't you and let you off the hook. Do take a pin with you - just for clarification.

  2. I love that quilt, And you will definitely know your own pins!!

  3. Lovely for a child and some of the fabrics are in my stash here in the UK!

  4. You have such a sure sense of colour. With that size the quilt will be treasured for a long time, and there is no end to spying new items in the prints.
    Needle dropping is a problem. Of course we don't want anyone to step on a pin, but who is barefoot in the library? I have this rule for a project I carry with me outside the home: only one needle and five pins with bright heads. I check regularly that the needle is still with me and the five pins too. As soon as one is missing I will stop and search for it and NOT go on until I have found it. I also have a small magnet to use as a 'mine sweeper' to pick up the dropped pin. Since the disastrous earthquake in Kobe in 1995 I carry with me, at all times, a mini flashlight for emergency use. That light source is good to sweep over the floor. Any pin will glitter in the darkness under the table.
    I hope you are found Not Guilty!

  5. Lovely finish on the quilt top. You really do make the most of every bit of fabric. It looks delightful.
    As for the pin on the floor - it is too easy to blame the first person who comes to mind, rather than checking first. And is it really that big a deal. Tell them to get over it! ( I am just being a grump today!)

  6. Pins and needles were found in the church gym, where we have quilt guild. They have a school during the week, and, we almost lost the use of the church for guild meetings due to the pins. I don't think they were ours, since they were stuck in the walls (why would we stick pins in the walls, bad on our pins). We can still have guild meetings there, but, no pins or needles, and we can't have sew-in's there anymore.

  7. Perfect for a kids' I Spy Quilt!

  8. Hi Julie, we love your "quickie quilt", and colors work perfectly together ! We think they are too strict about one pin on the library floor. (After all, who goes barefoot in the library?) We hope they will let you off the hook when you explain that you used safety pins, not straight pins. Have a Happy Valentine's Day, and we hope the powers-that-be will "chill out." Love and blessings, from Marina and Daryl Lynn

  9. Lovely quilt, great use of fabrics. Don't talk about pins and needles, it is my husband who always seems to find them in the carpet with his bare feet. Pulls them out of his foot and just stands there and shakes his head at me!!

  10. Your quilt is lovely! And oh my goodness, for all you do at the school, surely they can let a pin on the floor go. Did it stab someone? My hubby seems to always find any pin that I leave accidently in the arm of the couch.
