
Monday, July 17, 2017

Into thin air ... Rockies Part 2

Saturday morning we took off up Trail Ridge Road, over the continental divide, to Grand Lake.

The day was sunny and bright in spite of earlier predictions of rain.

The scenery was grand and ever-changing.

There were lots of pull-overs and plenty to enjoy as each level had different vegetation.

The rocks had a wide variety of shape and color

and above the tree line the slopes  seemed to be
covered with grass and in some areas, elk were grazing.

Our destination was Grand Lake  on the other side of the continental divide.

Here we enjoyed a picnic lunch and the gang set out on their paddle-boards to enjoy the water.

Maria and Mailie shared a board ...

Kai had his own, as did Jon.

They were soon little specks, far from the shore.

I chose to stay in the patch of shade under the ponderosa pines and do some work on the quilted foot-prints   ... and take a few photos of the trees and wild flowers.

After all had had their fill of sun and fun, we went into town and took a walk, looking in assorted shops. I found a lovely pair of earrings that Jon bought me. Then ...

What should we see along the road ....

A quilt show!

Well, we could hardly pass that by ...

The "Peaks 'n Pines Quilt Guild" was holding their 7th annual quilt show.

We were each given a slip of paper to vote on our Viewer's Choice for each category and best of show.

There were quilts for sale and a number of other handmade items.

Of course the quilters were friendly.

We stopped at another little quilt shop in the town on the way back to the car.  The owner had a long-arm machine working in one room, run by computer. She also had a wide selection of fabric.

So, though I really don't need any more fabric,

This is what I have added to my collection:

4 black and white fabrics selected by Kai for his "Big Boy" quilt.

1 animal Christmas print for my I-Spy collection

(these, bought in town where I went to buy blue thread to mend thorn damage to my pants)

Then from the rockies ... a blue and tan textured print

and a number print ... also for the I-Spy collection.

(In total, 8 fat quarters) Well, when I make the last stop in Portland and unload all the stuff Norie sent to Ryden and the girls, I will need something to keep my stuff from rattling around in my suitcase. So, maybe I'll just look at this as additional packing.....

Dinner ... hot tub ... movie ... and bed were on the agenda. I chose dinner and quilting and bed.


  1. That looks like an amazing place to visit, someday I would like to go out west.
    Fun to buy new fabric on trips, I usually get something for crafting and love when I find new shades of roving for my collection.


  2. What perfect timing, and who would resist looking at a quilt show? Fabrics, I have been so hoping you would find some,a material memory of your time in Co!!!

  3. It's always fun to find a quilt show that you didn't know about. My mother and I did that, in Wisconsin. Lovely pictures!

  4. Prints for I-Spy quilts are always nice to find. The blue and tan textured prints will remind you of the rocks you saw along the way. Yes, fat quarters can be counted as packing! MUCH nicer than bubble wrap! Enjoy the rest of your holiday.

  5. The views are stunning. So hard to appreciate in a picture. Glad you saw the wildlife, too. We travelled up from the Grand Lakes side and loved every minute of it.
    Not as lucky as you to see a quilt show, though. That would have been great.
    Good to see you making a few purchases.

  6. What lovely reminders of summers on Grand Lake with my relatives. Thanks.

  7. You are having quite the trip .... so many places. Enjoy!

  8. How beautiful - lots of memories to treasure. Portland has lots of Quilt Shops including the wonderful Fabric Depot and I enjoyed Powells the bookshop too and the rose garden. What a serendiptious day that was with a lovely drive, the lake and a quilt show and show too!

  9. What a treasure - and then finding a quilt show - can't beat that. Love the fabrics you picked, can't wait to see the quilt, and knowing you, it won't take long.
