
Friday, July 14, 2017

learning curve

Getting ready for the weekend outing, I thought I had better figure out how to get my cell phone camera to understand what I wanted it to do ... or the other way around.

I took a walk around the house and garden for practice.

It isa bit difficult in the sun, to see the image on the screen so I had to do a bit of shoot-and-trust.

A rose among the rocks ...

Hollyhocks  ...

A posing pot ... well, I think I am getting the idea.... Moving them to my laptop to a place I can find and use them is next to try.
Well, I still have to tweek that skill ... three of one photo and some hiding elsewhere...

Meanwhile, I decided on a quilt design for the dog runner.

Maybe you can figure out my plan ...

Doggy tracks around the edge.

Quilting is about half way.

It doesn't show much but at least it will be quilted.

and when I spread the runner out on the footstool for a picture ...

Guess what ...

The cat jumps up from wherever she was and takes over the runer.
I have heard this cat does not like dogs ...

Or, maybe it was the photo op ... she sure is a pretty poser.

Now we are off to the Rocky Mountains. Hope to practice my camera skills there.


  1. Photos came out good. Puppy paws quilting great idea- may have to borrow it for my next puppy quilt. If you noticed the cat is covering the dog on the quilt smart cat.

    1. Every time I spread that runner out, the cat comes to climb up on it. At night I folded it over the back of a chair and the cat kept walking around the chair and looking from the runner to me and back.

  2. Pics are all great, focus and colour super, and next thing the mountains.Hope you have thick socks inside those boots.

  3. Wonderful photos and it is fun to use the phone for trips, can't wait to follow along with your adventures.


  4. Maybe the cat wants to dominate the dog. I like the paw prints. Have fun hiking tomorrow.

  5. Looks to me like you are getting some good shots with your phone.
    How about that cat!!

  6. The paw prints are really cute. Your pictures came out great - very clear and looks like great color. You should be able to use your charging wire to transfer the photos to your computer. When all else fails, I email them to myself so I can open them on my computer - assuming you can send email from your phone.
    Have a great trip.

  7. The good thing with a camera in the phone is that you always have a camera with you. Then comes the tricks you need to edit them and know where they are stored.

  8. Great photos, took me ages to work out how to download photos to my computer as I am not tech savvy. It saves having to carry the phone as well as a camera in your handbag. Keep on enjoying your time away.

  9. looks like you are mastering the camera work xx AND the cat obviously approves of your work xx
