
Friday, August 25, 2017

Moving along at a snail's pace ...

... Or, should I say, "a turtle's pace"?

The mola has been moving very slowly if at all ... much like plans for the next baby quilt. I pulled it off the pile because this seems to be turtle weather. For the last three weeks I have been getting wet from the outside in ... but this past week, with the high heat and humidity, I am soaking from the inside out.

There has been talk in the news about the 2020 olympics and running the marathon in this kind of heat. Yes, I would think even walking the city streets in this kind of weather would be a challenge.

Speaking of challenges ... have you even made a challenge quilt? I happened to think of this as it is the quilt I am sleeping under these warm nights.

In the fall of 2000, a quilting/scouting friend, Tina Urata, returned to Tokyo on a short visit. She brought five fat quarters tied with a ribbon for each member of our quilt group. We decided to make something using those fabrics by adding one fabric of our own. This is the plan I came up with and it was finished in early September 2001.

This spent many years along the back of my sofa, so is a bit faded now by the sun ... at least the dark blue star fabric.

The backing is all made of tenugui with floral prints. This morning, when she sun began to lighten the sleeping area, I pulled the Mt. Fuji section over my eyes for a bit more sleep. Ah, rest in the shade of Mt. Fuji in my own greenhouse.

Today the quilt went into the wash and will be all fresh for tonight's rest. With this heat it took just an hour to dry (maybe less) draped double over the laundry bar.

I think I hear a turtle calling ... or is that just the drip drip of sweat from my brow?


  1. They are both beautiful, love the way the pattern and fabrics follow on, and the lower one, it says to me " Sweet dreams" soft and gentle all over.

  2. Last night was so hot I could hear my own brain sizzle! and there is no way I could cover myself with a QUILT - the thinnest of gauze shawls is what I use.
    The quilt is a beauty, both front and back.
    I need to get started on my Mola bag, but will wait until it has cooled down.

  3. Gorgeous quilt! So nice to have one you've made on your bed too. It isn't hot here. Fall has set in, we have rain, cool temperatures and the leaves are changing colour.

  4. Amazing quilts - you are so talented. Love the way you design and join colors to create perfection. Our weather has been absolutely perfect - bright blue skies - warm days and pleasant nights - wish I could send some of it over to you. But poor southern Texas - they are really hit hard and it seems to be getting worse as the days go on.

  5. Oh - your question - yes I've done a challenge quilt - it just didn't turn out well (it was pieced and no applique) I think the instructions weren't clear enough as to the balance of color (we were given instructions and the piecing pattern) and I gave it away to someone who could see beauty in it. I'd rather do one like you do - with the theme left up to the quilter.

  6. I have done a few, but mostly wall quilts and some I have not finished.
    Love your quilts, I don't just see a quilt but the love and care you put into each selection and stitch.


  7. You just reminded me of an unfinished challenge quilt, that is due in a few month. One more thing added to my already long list of projects.
