
Wednesday, March 7, 2018

A touch of spring ... and a finish

On Sunday it seemed that Spring
was just around the corner ... sun and balmy weather ...

That was all the plum tree needed to burst into bloom.

Well, Monday turned blustery and the cold rains returned. If my cell phone is telling the truth, it will be Saturday before the sun returns.

The sweet daphne is also blooming.

I guess the two birthdays are now official.

There are several all white daphne bushes in this plot but they have yet to open ... maybe because they have no birthdays to celebrate.

Anyway, between these two bloomers, the air is sweetly scented. I could walk down the street with my eyes shut and know when I have reached home.

Benefits of cold rainy days ... the next I-Spy is now finished, quilted, bound, and labeled.  It turned out 46" x 56.5 inches or 177cm. x 144cm. I think a useful size.

If the sun comes out on Saturday as predicted, I will try to get a better picture before I pass it to it's new owner on Sunday.

Interestingly, the backing is a rather fine stripe that was given me by a friend. I rather hesitate to use fabrics that might show off my crooked quilting, but this one turned out with all the rows of in-the-ditch stitching matching the stripes ... more luck than planning ... but pleasing to me.

SO.... Time to plan the next baby quilt. The lid on my "kid-friendly"prints bin is still too tight for comfort and the babies keep arriving. With a cathedral window challenge on the horizon, I am wondering what kind of I-Spy I could make with that setting....


  1. The flowers are beautiful. I have a lilac bush in front and love the smell when it blooms. Today we got more snow, hope that is the last of it. The quilt came out beautifully and a little off kilter, gives it character.


  2. An I-Spy Cathedral Window quilt! What a great idea. It will be just as fun and beautiful as your others. I like the border, too.

  3. Such glorious spring flowers,the scent mst be heavenly !
    Heartful congratulations on your beautiful baby quilt finish :D
    Oh, cathedral window ! Such a beautiul challenge indeed ! I love that pattern so much and never have been able to make it. It doesn't look easy... and there seems to require so much ironing ! But that pattern still remains a dream to me...


  4. Gorgeous photo of plum blossoms and rain drops. And the backdrop is just perfect behind them.

  5. I don't have near enough prints to make an I spy quilt. Looking forward to warmth.

  6. HI Julie, your I Spy quilts are all so spectacular ! What an absolutely wonderful gift for a new little one !
    We loved your photos of the delicate spring flowers. Getting to springtime is always kind of like going two steps forward and one step back. One is never sure when the springtime weather is going to arrive for good, but when it does, it is truly a gorgeous season. Hugs and blessings to you, from Marina and Daryl Lynn :-)

  7. lovely colours .. inside and out x

  8. A Cathedral Window challenge sounds perfect for an I-Spy quilt! It will be fun to watch it come together - ;))

  9. You make some wonderful I Spy quilts Julie. Beautiful blossom photo, Spring is just around the corner to enjoy, a nice change from the cold weather.

  10. Lovely spring flowers Julie. I don't know why there is no plum tree around here. Busy sewing days!

  11. Lovely to see the beautiful flowers. They really do warm the heart when the weather is still cold.
    Wonderful to see your finished quilt. It will be a wonderful gift.
