
Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Has the rain stopped yet?

Sitting on the sofa listening to rain pitter-pattering on the range hood outside ... suddenly it seemed to have stopped. Oh goody, I can go up and hang my laundry...

Well, don't assume that no pitter-patter means it has stopped, it just has turned to snow ... and since I took this picture on my front step, the snow is coming down heavier.

At least it gives me something to show other than more of the same blocks that I have completed since the last post. A day like this will add more to the pile 'cause I'm not going anywhere!


  1. I think you might be home for a little longer. And the stone cat looks on in amazement!!!

  2. stay warm xx ... it has to stop eventually ... doesn't it? lol

  3. No, it is still raining, but at least it has changed from snow to rain. It sure was cold today!

  4. We got snow today, mostly flurries so not too much, but really tired of the cold and wind.
    I noticed some buds on my Japanese kwansai, hope she blooms, still small yet.


  5. Uh-oh! We are going through similar weather with cold fronts coming through in waves. The weather man says the passes will be getting snow tonight. Stay warm!

  6. Yes, we got the snow up here too. I rely on my ears too to figure out the weather when I'm half asleep in the mornings. I am now through with crosswalk duty for the school year so it can snow again if it likes!
