
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Yokohama quilt festival #4

There were a number of special featured quilters at this show.

One of the featured quilt artists was Danny Amazonas.

These were all what I would call "Art Quilts".

Some were bits and pieces of fabrics, cut, fused, and top-stitched.

Some were pieced.

Here is a close-up of a chin and neck area. Title, Mother and Child.

Lots of little scraps in this one.

This one named "Star I"

this one pieced ... named "Breeze I"
There was one of a group of dogs and an elephant, and a child.
Maybe you have seen his work before but if not, this should give you an idea.

Another featured quilter was Anna Dolanyi from Hungary "with 50 quilters". 
These were part of that exhibit 

Many items were in blue and white with Hungarian motifs.
This one named "Applique from Buzsak" by Molnar Janosne.

some scenery...

"Blue and White Flowerwreath" Bogdan Erzsebet-Szabo Miklosne.

"Stove in Embroidery" Csillaghegyi Oltogetok.

"Ancentress" Jofoldine Fejes Edit.

"Little Peacock" Gelencserne Lazarovits Klara.

"Hungarian Jugs" Csillaghegyi Oltogetok.

And a few quilts by other well known quilters, 
This one by Yoko Saito

There are still a few more pictures in my camera to share. 
One exhibit was titled in Japanese ... roughly translated "The thing I Like".
I recognised a quilt by Ms. Kuroha but other names were all in Japanese. 

My apologies to anyone to whom I may not respond to comments. With this change by blogger, the comments no longer come to my e-mail and after trying a number of suggestions, I have not been able to answer other than by going back to the comment on the post. As you may know, all the comments one gets do not come at the same time or even on the same day. That means taking lots of time to go back over former posts to check. I tried making a comment and then checking the little box to get comments but that did not work. About time I had a visit from my guru son. 

Meantime I will be out in the woods with the Scouts. No internet connection there. Knives ... leatherwork ... and lots of nature. The silkworms ... all but six of them ... have begun their cocoons.
That figures now that mulberry leaves will be easier to find, and I won't need to gather them any more.


  1. To me it is a mystery how floral prints can turn into a portrait! I guess you have to stand far back to see the hue rather than the actual print, and judge wether it will blend in or not.
    I bet we will see Yoko Saito's House quilt in Tokyo Dome next January for the Partnership quilt project.
    I always go back to my own post to check for and answer comments, but it is hard to return to all other blogs to see it there has been a response to any comments I have left. Bad show of Blogger to stop the email service.

    1. I took a hint from your blog for answering comments, but I would rather have something more personal. I am still thinking over the house theme for my block.

  2. I wish your guru son could help. All of us google bloggers are still waiting for google to fix this problem.

    1. He says he will give me a call today. My left handed quilting buddy gave me a few helpful hints. I really get frustrated with these un-helpful changes blogger keeps making.

  3. Those quilts take hours and years of dedication, such fine detail. Have fine weather away with the scouts.

    1. Yes, the detail is fantastic. All my quilts are for use, so that kind of work would be a waste.
      I see the weather prediction for next week includes six days of rain. Two during set-up and four toward the end. Craft area has a leaky roof so maybe it will be easy to figure out where to set stuff to keep it dry.

  4. Those quilts are amazing, and I can see the amount of work and love that went into each one.
    I hope you have a nice time with the scouts and wonderful weather.


    1. Often my cell phone weather app lies ... and I hope it is lying now because it predicts six days of rain ... this weekend for setting up and the last half of camp. There were lots of amazing works of art at that show. I'm rather glad no one can compare my finishes with those.

  5. Again you have showcased the most amazing quilts, Julie. The quilts of faces are spectacular and as for the bird, I am speechless at the cleverness of it. I too wish Blogger would fix the comment glitch. Have a fabulous time out in the woods with your scouts. Enjoy!

    1. Some of those faces, you had to step way back from to even see the image. I wonder what his scrap pile looks like. Rain is lurking now as I begin packing up the craft supplies....

  6. Thank you so much Julie for sharing with us this fantastic quilts show : they are amazing !!
    Have a wonderful day,

    1. I wish you could have been there with me. There was lots of eye-candy and some embroidery that made me think of you.

    2. Wow, Julie ! Your photos are fabulous ! We know how much work it takes to get good quality photos at big quilt shows like this, because it is difficult to get a good angle with so many people moving around. You did a super job !! Danny Amazonas', all the quilts from Hungary, and Yoko Saito's projects are wonderful ! Thanks for these photos, and stay dry at scout camp. Hugs and blessings, from Marina and Daryl Lynn :-)

    3. My camera is not the best for getting good detail and the lighting is often a problem. At least, unlike the dome show, there were not shadows across the quilts. When it comes to picture quilts, Danny Amazonas had a stunning collection. Aa I was taking pictures, I thought of those wonderful pictures you inspire us with and wondered how you manage to get them. The rain has gotten a head start. I will have to try not to pack it into my van.

  7. Those mosaic quilts are amazing! Think of the sewing involved and the amount of time to do the planning! I get bogged down when working with more than four colors!

    1. Some of those quilts, you have to step way back to see the picture the pieces make. I could never do something like that in my small house.

  8. Amazing! Quilts have evolved into such intricate artwork that I find the international 'quilt shows' inspiring and yet, overwhelming. Just knowing that I will never be able to make a quilt like the ones displayed in the shows, but I do enjoy dreaming while viewing the fabulous quilts.

    1. Many of these quilters enter a new quilt every year. It causes me to wonder if they have a real life.

  9. WONDERFUL!! - As always!! - I got behind in reading all of my regular blogs - and was "saving" yours and your "Quilt Show" for today. Thank you for sharing all of the AMAZING quilts - they are SO GORGEOUS - and so VERY humbling to a so-so quilter like me - ;))

    1. Seeing these certainly does not encourage me to enter one of these shows!
