
Monday, July 9, 2018

A week I could have done without

The last of the 4am trips to town for onigiri delivery is over until the end of the hot summer. We don't want to endanger the homeless with food that has sat in the locker overnight and might have spoiled.
My Monday trips to school have also stopped for summer break (along with the pay).

So, last Monday I was free to go into town and meet up with my lawyer friend who is helping me with the big tax problem. I'm sure my dear Paul never imagined the mess he was leaving me to deal with. Anyway, I had some papers to sign. My friend would keep a copy and mail them off to the states where the tax accountant waits.

These days I am amazed how many people send things to be scanned and printed out and faxed, assuming that your computer and telephone are automatically connected up to all the necessary devices. I guess there might be a way I could put the stuff on some kind of chip and take it to a convenience store to do ... but even if those machines spoke English, I'm not sure I would be able to push the correct button marked in Japanese. (even printing pictures, I end up begging for help).

Anyway, as I left, I gave Nikko her kong of treats, blocked the living room door, and went to town.
I had a few errands to take care of in town as long as I was on that end of the train line, and returned in the late afternoon before dinner time.

What I returned to was a sick dog with an upset stomach, and a night of barfing. So... Tuesday morning it was off to the vet, who said Nikko needed to be hospitalised. She had lots of tests and was connected to an IV, and Norie came for an evening visit, as the vet only speaks rapid Japanese, which I could not entirely understand.
Norie, Hiro, and Leia came for a visit, just in case we had to say goodbye. Wednesday the vet is closed but we were able to visit... a heavy head on my lap ... Thursday I was met with lots of licks, and Friday evening she was well enough to come home with three days of pills.

I sat for over an hour, waiting for her to be released, in a very cold waiting room. When I thought of stepping outside into the sauna weather, it was pouring heavy rain and I had not brought an umbrella.
I was wondering how we would get home without swimming, but by the time she was released, the rain had stopped. Nikko had a lot of sniffing and piddling to take care of on the way home, so the walk was rather slow. It was way past dinner time so I popped some pasta in the microwave and sat down to eat when the phone rang ... and when I jumped up to get it, Nikko grabbed a big mouth-full off my plate, That was a first for me, as she never gets fed at the table. I guess she was getting even. Nothing wrong with her appetite.

Saturday and Sunday I had family time with Norie's gang and my #1 grandson, Paul, who is visiting an uncle here in Tokyo. Nikko behaved as her usual self and Monday, we went again for another checkup and she was declared well.

The vet thought the problem might have been brought on by her age and a heat stroke. In the winter, if I turn on the AC-heater, she will lie on the floor right under the vent. Being rather overly economically-minded, I am likely to save money by adding layers during the winter and opening windows in the summer ... not much help with the humidity, but I did not grow up with these devices and think of them as an expensive last-alternative. Of course, I turn them all off as I leave the house for the day.

I thought of leaving the AC on, and sleeping down on the sofa, so Nikko could have a cooler resting spot ... but ... Nikko is not interested in the cooler room and instead, goes to the wooden floor in the dining room to rest.

And ... after her evening walk, she ran upstairs to her bed besides the sliding door to Paul's room.
So, I put an electric fan in that room.  Even during the day, with the AC on, she often goes up to her bed.
I don't really need to be in a cold room, but the price of running the cooler will probably not be as much as the 30,000 yen the vet charges per night.

My week was thus very stressful and I was glad to have something for my hands to do.

Now the quilting is done, and it is sitting here beside me asking for a binding.

I thought black would look nice and kind of tie it all together ... but I have not decided for sure.

I do think I could do that without a shopping trip.

Meanwhile, I am getting ready for the next big-boy quilt for grandson #3 ... and ... there will be a new granddaughter needing a quilt at the end of the year!
With doggy issues and cleaning up for guests (even if they are family) I have not had much time for visiting blogs or leaving comments ... but ... don't worry, I have not fallen off the face of the earth YET. I hope your week was less stressful than mine, and life has returned to normal.


  1. Oh, my - what a stressful week!! I'm so glad Nikko is OK - and that you had something for your hands to do. Congratulations on the new granddaughter coming at the end of the year! May the coming weeks be "boring" with little to no stress involved - ;))

  2. Oh Julie, what worries.huge flooding, lives and homes lost, boys trapped in the cave in Thailand, and I have just seen on the web page a ninth boy has been rescued.I agree, a darker border will be a lovely frame. Update, later,almost tomorrow morning, 10th and 11th boys are out. XXX

  3. Never fun with a sick puppy, poor Nikko. When it is hot outside (yes, I have AC and USE it) my dogs like the hardwood floors since they are cooler. When it gets really hot, my little 'shadow' dog prefers to stay downstairs instead of supervising me in my sewing room (hottest room in the house).

  4. Dear Julie, you have had a very stressful week. Tax, official paper work and rules one does not understand - not my cup of tea! When Nikko got unwell and needed medical attention, that must have been very stressful, I am glad to hear she is well again but it was an expensive vet's bill! A break from rice ball delivery and school will give you more time to sleep and quilt, with a new grandchild in the making you will be wanting that time for quilting.

  5. I am sorry you are having to deal with that, it is hard enough without having to worry about finances too. I am glad Nikko is ok, it is hard when they get sick and the bills do add up. Hopefully you can have some time to relax and work on your quilting, you do such beautiful work. I am the same way with the air, hate using it if I don't have to, but with bad air days I have to, since I have a bad valve and I cannot move without it.


  6. oh dear x I am so glad you have family and friends around to help and support you x
