
Thursday, August 9, 2018

On the design floor

Tuesday evening, I took my pile of blocks to the church and made use of the fellowship hall floor to lay them out.

These blocks were sewed light on dark and dark on light, but some of the medium shades have been used as either. I tried to arrange them so that where a fabric appears in both the center and outer areas, those blocks would not be close to each other.

Something happened to my camera that it keeps saying "Lens error" when I try to take a picture, so I took this on my cell phone. It has taken several days of frustration to get this one picture into my files in a place where I could share it. What I had been doing formerly, no longer works.

I keep a small notebook where I write everything down. How to do this or that and which password goes with which place where I have to sign in to do things. Even when I have it all recorded, sometimes the computer wants something else. Ever tried using every single password you have ever used only to have them all rejected?

Well, anyway, I may still move one block on the side to a place where the light is a wee bit lighter than the dark. I now see two places that might be changed.

Meanwhile, the top three rows are now together and I made a funny discovery. As I made my templates from six-inch plastic, I had just assumed these blocks were going to come out six inches square. Well, I forgot about those two-inch corner squares. What I had planned for a wide border is going to have to be adjusted or this will be way too big for a single bed. Well, that is still a way off. The blocks made good take-along work but once I get a row together it is a bit difficult to control on a crowded train. (and involves a rather long length of thread.)

Vacation Bible School has one more day to go. As I am doing the "Games" section in the sanctuary with pews moved together, the suggested games take a large amount of adjusting if they are to be used at all. Luckily, I have found that once I explain the challenge to the participating group, they come up with ideas that are even more fun and will work in the space we have.

Last week I asked Leia to come up with an origami boat that could be blown over a course. It needed to go straight and not tip over. A week ago, she came and taught me how to fold the perfect boat to run the course. I think this will be more fun than hitting croquet balls through wickets and will fit the rolling river theme. Tomorrow I will see.

Then, Saturday I have a nature hike with my scouts. Luckily, the typhoon has blown through and we enjoyed a few cooler days. Now it is back to hot and much more humid as the typhoon left water behind. The electric bill is very high with two ACs going, one of them all day and night ... BUT ... Not as high as the vet bill for one night! Nikko happily chooses her space to lie.

Sorry for the strange former post. Suddenly, if someone posts on the family blog, I can not get back to my dashboard and reading list without making a new post. Just about the time I get this figured out, it will probably change again.


  1. technology is such a wonderful aid … until it changes or updates or an "improvement" comes a long xx Hope it cools down a little soon .. it has here AT LONG LAST x

  2. You have worked up these blocks so quickly - amazing in the heat, or were they all made in a cool train? It is so unusual, but very refreshing, to see black and white work, usually your quilts are so vivid with colour.
    I am sure Leia's boat race will be successful, and I hope you and Mr Google will make up!

  3. So glad you got whatever it was figured out! Your pile of blocks is looking lovely - and Leia's origami boat sounds terrific - ;))

  4. I love your layout with the way you kept some areas light and others darker, really nice art piece. The origami boat race sounds found and a creative idea. Way too hot here, hopefully we will get a respite soon.


  5. I can really empathize with you on the password frustration - been there, done that many times. Love your quilt.

  6. The blocks look great ad it is good to have a space to spread them out. Photos are great too - when they work - as you can sometimes pick up any changes needed. Good luck.

  7. Hi Julie, Your quilt is spectacular !! It absolutely sparkles with energy. You did outstanding work in arranging the blocks perfectly ! We love it !
    Sorry to hear about your heat and humidity. It's really hot here also. Air conditioning is expensive, but a welcome alternative to suffering in the heat. Sending positive thoughts that you and Nikko will be able to keep cool in the midst of a very hot summer.
    Is it autumn yet?? We're waiting........ Many blessings and hugs to you, from Marina and Daryl Lynn

  8. While I'm off on the States you get a perfectly wonderful quilt made! All the black and white and fabrics make a vey eye catching quilt! Great job!
