
Monday, October 15, 2018

What would you do?

This morning, when I returned home from an early walk with Nikko,
this is what I found on my front door!

It was still quite early, and not many people were out.
No one walking on my tiny back street.

Who put these here? And how can I ever thank them?
I quickly pulled out a container and arranged them  before leaving for my morning appointment.
I can only thank God for the friends I have been given,
but there is someone unknown whom I also wish I could thank.

Not knowing what else to do, 
I hung this sign on my gate.

What would anyone do?

When I step out my front door, I am stepping into a world of friends. 
I placed the flowers in my genkan, where I will be reminded each time I step out, or even walk past to the stairs or the "little room" that I must be grateful for all my friends.

My blogging friends,
new friends, old friends,
scouting friends, quilting friends, choir and church friends,
and even stealth friends, I love you all! 


  1. And you so deserve all the love from close and far away. Just like my beautiful cat panel, sometimes a friend knows you need a sign of how much they care. XXX from a cold night down here in NZ.

  2. Lovely flowers for a lovely lady. Little surprises like that lift your spirits and make the day (and week, month...) so special.

  3. What a sweet surprise!! Someone wanted to brighten your day - and to let you know that all of your friends love you back!! - ;))

  4. What a wonderful surprise gift and I am sure it is well deserved. Maybe someone in the neighborhood who sees you cleaning and weeding to make your neighborhood nicer, wanted to leave them as a thank you.


  5. That is a very special surprise.
    How lovely to have that happen. I think it is nice that you do not know who it is. That way you can think nice things about lots of the people who could have done it.

  6. what a lovely gesture x Enjoy their colour and beauty .. and keep on doing as you are x.. because someone appreciates it x

  7. A lovely surprise. There are some wonderful people out there in the world, you are one of them, so enjoy your flowers. It was also a lovely gesture for you to put the note on your gate, the word "thank you" seems to be forgotten at times these days by a lot of people.

  8. How sweet and well deserved for you, for all that you do around your neighborhood.

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  10. Oh how wonderful to return home and see a beautiful bunch of flowers at your door. What a precious kindness from somebody. I do believe these pretty flowers could not be left at a more deserving lady's home.

  11. What a lovely surprise! I love to hear about the good that people do - we don't hear about it often enough!
