
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Thursday morning walk

Throughout Tokyo there is a very specific schedule of trash collection. Since items need to be carried to the spot for each particular area, one cannot just carry anything to that spot except on the correct day.

Bags that contain items that do not meet requirements for the day are left behind with a sticker stating why.

Because I live on the edge of our area, I sometimes take the option of crossing the road and leaving items to the park pickup across the street.

Only one day is the same for both areas, and that is glass, metal, and pet-bottles.

I frequently walk Nikko down the dividing street and through the park. In the warmer seasons, I pull weeds in the park along the way, and have gotten to know many living in the area.

I may have mentioned before, that that "Koyama Cho" area is the high class section. Whereas my side of the street is getting many small apartments, the Koyama area is made up of single dwellings with large gardens. The higher class is also reflected in their "trash".  On some occasions they get large tins of snacks or treats. I'm not sure what they contain ... the one I picked up today says "Gateau Rusk"

I have been collecting these large tins, as they are perfect for sorting small fabric scraps.

They are all the same size, so stack nicely.
Oh, there may be a few smaller ones, but those are useful too.

Long ago, I brought home a tin with a lid that didn't quite fit. I was using that tin with the lid set on crooked and wondering why it was a bit off.

Well, in early December, while checking the disposal basket, I found a lid and container that didn't match up.I pulled them out and brought them home, and surprise! That lid fit the old tin perfectly.

Now, I had a spare container with no lid to cover it.
But luckily, I didn't toss it out. This morning, Nikko and I strolled through the park and checked the bin.

I found two lids and one tin. Clearly the pale yellow tin had a lid to match and I cheered to find that the single lid fit perfectly on the uncovered one.

I really like the way these tins stack up and the size is just right for my smaller scraps. Now, what I really need is more space to stack those handy tins. I have larger buckle boxes sorted by color stacked in the upstairs hallway. Soon walking space will be at a premium. Ah, but the benefits of a Thursday morning walk! A tin for goodies, empty of calories.


  1. Those are a great size for storing and organizing. I miss the days when we dropped off our garbage and people would leave nicer things to the side, got a lot of treasures that way and my first bike. My dad found it and fixed it up, repainted it and I loved it. There are a few places that still do that, but not in our area.


  2. Those look like great boxes for storing projects. So nice that you are able to get them without spending the money or the calories!

  3. I am definitely not collecting boxes to store fabric. I put something into any box that isn't clear and it never comes to light again! At least seeing what is inside the box gives me guilt enough to move the contents around a bit!

  4. I have two silver cans like those, for my thread. The fact that they can be stacked is a great feature.

  5. Wonderful, and they stack so well, some "trash" is truly a treasure.My fabric scraps are in plastic bins, and the larger pieces in a bigger clear one.BUT, I still have to rummage to find what I am looking for. Here, we have a large transfer station, very well run, always clean and tidy, and can take tines, aluminium and stele, paper ,cardboard, plastic, bottles, and larger items like ovens, printers, fans, washing machines and more.All this is FREE, and then we can pay to take garden rubbish, and other things like old furniture, camping gear, I see mattresses, pushchairs, and lots more. Then it is all compacted and carted away to a huge dump site.Maybe in another 1000 years or so some will have rotted away.

  6. Julia,my best greetings to you

  7. It is a lovely way to recycle items. great to use the tins rather than have them go to landfill.
    I remember as children we treasured being given a tin that we used to keep our pencils. It was a really big deal as tins were few and far between.

  8. Most of the tins around here are round, and don't work nearly as well.

  9. Better than treasure hunting! They are perfect for so many items and for keeping insects out of food. I use to buy tins for storing different items before we sold our house.
