
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

One more finish

The answer is blowin' in the wind ... And a very hot and humid wind at that.
The "Rainy Season" has been officially declared over but the choice of stepping out the door into water falling from the sky or dripping from your brow makes staying inside to work on projects much more attractive.

Monday I went shopping for some bias tape but there was nothing close to the blue-green inner border. Somehow the light purple seemed to want to do the job and the farther I went in the sewing, the more I liked that choice. The linked hearts went rather quickly and, even with the busy print , seem to show up more than expected.

The size is 54" x 57". When I make quilts to gift to babies, I never know how or if they will be used. I think the I-Spy aspect will make it fun and it is big enough to toss over a sleeping child. I still have to add a label but I have plenty of time before it needs to be presented.

Next in line will be piecing the backing for the floral quilt, then getting it basted so I can begin quilting. In the meantime ... Vacation Bible School games need to be finalized for next week and a dental implant in the line-up  following that. August is just arriving but my calendar is filling up with each day.


  1. The quilt is darling. We have always been able to enjoy the I Spy quilts with our grandchildren. Happy for you to keep busy.

  2. This is truly so pretty, and will be such a delightful gift.Love the border hearts and the pale binding.A wonderful pattern and the darker pieces at the outside are like stars at night.LOVE it.

  3. Another wonderful finish - Congratulations!! Your "I Spy" quilts are always interesting - and your hand quilting is beautiful - ;))

  4. It is wonderful and all the colors make it look like it fell from a jewel box! This will be such a wonderful gift for some lucky child!

  5. Wonderful quilt! I do like the heart shaped border quilting.

  6. It's another wonderful quilt, with great colors and a binding color that adds to the whimsy and complements the yellow. Great size, very versatile as the baby grows into childhood. So special with your trademark hand quilting!

  7. The quilt finished up great. I like larger baby quilts so that the baby can grow into the quilt. Sorry about the dental work. Hope VBS goes well.

  8. This is a lovely finish. Your quilt looks so cheerful in the sunshine.
    Another delightful gift.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. What a fun finish! We had a spell where it was so hot I just wanted to be inside, but now, the weather is just about perfect so all my interests are competing for me time. Choices, choices!

  11. The border fabric is a wonderful finale bringing together so many of the inner quilt colours. I'm sure this will be loved and poured over - Mary
