
Thursday, May 7, 2020

Almost there..

I have turned the last corner while quilting the border on the floral quilt. Today I walked into town to the next station hoping to do some shopping for dinner items. Sadly the store was out of anything I needed.
I took a quick trip around the corner to the little sewing shop and was glad to see it opened. I went to the bias tape section. I found some nice blue that matches the blue in the outer border print. I will be all ready to take the next step this weekend when the border is finished.

It is that time of year for tending silkworms. There are many more than I have ever had in years before, and I have managed to locate a few more mulberry trees in the area.

They can turn leaves to lace in no time.

I have been experimenting with putting five critters out on a young tree in the garden. I just wanted to see how long they can survive in nature. One of the five dropped down by a silk thread to a lower plant. It was a Kerria bush ... not edible material, and after three days, expired. The others remained on the leaves at the end of the branch and went through another instar. There was a big lot of rain and the four made it through, but now another one has left the group.

As my paper diary has filled to the last page, I have begun a second book with photographs and descriptions.  I happened to notice that my finished mandala never got photographed with the binding added. That was way back in September of last year. Today, with a bit of sun, I took a photo on the fence in the park so I could add the record to my diary.

Here is how it came out. Whether walking a real labyrinth or following the winding trail with one's finger, we are led to the center. As in life, patiently putting one foot in front of the other, and trusting in a deeper process that takes us home. Centered and secure.

The buttons are points on the native American Medicine Wheel. The points are different for different people and tribes, but following each path to the center is a way to look at any situation from different angles and points of view. In this time of lockdown, it is nice to have an alternative to worry and frustration.

Zoom and Skype and go to meetings seem to grab my days. It is fun getting together with the kids. Tonight was an Eagle Scout board of review. There is a virtual birthday party coming up soon and some scout training plus a community gathering.  All this virtual stuff makes me appreciate the real person to person contacts all the more.


  1. Centred, or centered, this is a word in so many places, Sandra, at mmmquilts is having another quilt along, and her quilt is called " Centred", so fitting right now, what do you do with the silkworms when they grow larger? The lace leaves show they are hungry little fellows. Maybe next Wednesday we will have haberdashery and fabric shops open?? Monday will be the announcement.

  2. I know what you mean about virtual meetings making us appreciate in-person interaction even more. Oh I love your mandala quilt - so special, and a special memory that I could see it in person at the quilt festival. xo

  3. The colors in the mandala quilt go so well together. Very pleasing quilt. You have so much patience to find food for the silk worms. Hope they can all get outside soon. Virtual meetings and gatherings take a lot of time and energy!

  4. Your mandala is wonderful - and I like how the silkworms turn leaves to lace - they sure are hungry little guys - ;))

  5. It looks like the silk worms make short work of those leaves. Glad you have been able to find a few more trees.
    Lovely to see your mandala completely finished and looking lovely in the sun.
    Yes, we have also been making the most of Zoom and Skype with family and friends. Grateful in every way to have this technology available.

  6. I love labyrinths. Yes, the virtual meetings get old after a while. I like to see 'faces'. I'm lucky that I get to get out more than most people do during all of this.

  7. Your mandala is so beautiful. I love the way your quilts always have so much meaning!

    Silk worms keeping you busy with observation I see. I've been looking out for frogs in my garden to keep my eye on.

    I haven't figured out Zoom but Leiya and I do see each other occasionally Facetiming. Besides that I'm pretty out of the video meeting loop!
