
Friday, July 24, 2020

Chopping wood

With no idea of what I am doing, I have been playing with log cabin blocks.

Hmm... random scraps might make a pattern hard to see.

I spent a whole day trying to sort the "gifted" stash. So much is cut with dangling pieces and bunched up in containers because it can't be folded.

I pulled out pieces, Ironed them, and trimmed off the strings that are too small to use. I suppose someone with a machine could make string blocks, but since I work by hand, I marked what was large enough into squares or strips, and anything smaller than a one-inch square, went into the trash. There is no way I can ever use all these fabrics, even if I live to 100. (or maybe 200) Some of the fabrics are large cuts and might be used for backings, but there are certainly a lot of random scraps.

My night-blooming cereus has a bud that is getting larger by the day.

It is promising a show one of these days.

 The tiny pot at the lower right is one of the plants I rescued from my friend Wally's garden.

There are about four or five different succulents in that pot and those tall flower spikes are coming from one  of them.

The green spiky plant behind it  has a number of red flower spikes coming up. I can't remember what it is, but it lives in damp moss rather than real soil.

The pineapple lily has sent out a big spike of flowers this year.
I think this is the biggest bloom it has ever had over the years.

And ... this has been a great year for the lily clan.

I was outside sweeping the street, and one of my neighbors who is an artist, brought out a painting to show me.

It was a lovely picture of a variety of flowers all gathered together. He pointed out one of a lily, saying he had taken a picture of one those in my garden to use as a model.

The flowers don't last long, but they are tall above everything else and very showy.

So ... the days drag by ... almost to the point I forget what day it is. This morning I had to drop everything and rush the "pura" out to the end of the street for the days collection ... before zooming in to  morning meeting. Tuesday I had to rush from a scout Executive Board meeting to another meeting without even time to fill my coffee cup. Sometime I get notices of meetings only a few hours before and by the time I check my email, I have missed the first half hour and missed the discussion point.
I'm beginning to wonder if I will be able to switch back to my former life once things reach a new normal ... if I even know what "normal" is...


  1. Oh, I love the colour scheme for your log cabins. I wonder how large a quilt you will make...
    Your artist neighbour should be invited into your greenhouse to take photos of your flowering plants there.
    My SIL, who has a good collection of hydrangeas is disappointed with their blossoms this year. Maybe too much rain? She had better make a collection of lilies like yours.
    Stay active, stay safe and one day we will all return to some kind of normal life.

  2. Log Cabin blocks are always rewarding, and always grow into lovely quilts. KEEP GOING ! :)
    (Love your colors combo by the way)

  3. The blocks look very "Julie" to me! I totally know what you mean about not knowing what day it is....

  4. I think the scraps look great together and the pattern is easy to spot. Lovely work.

  5. Your log cabin playing is looking lovely. Wow, do you really only hand piece?? I must say all your potted plants are looking fabulously healthy....and lovely.

  6. Good for you! Your scraps are turning into something beautiful! Blue and brown always work together! I sympathize with the scrap that can't be folded... And I too wonder how many people it is going to take to use up all the scraps that I have collected. I really can't sew fast enough to make a dent!

  7. Your blue/brown combination is very soothing - and in these strange times - we can all use some of that - ;))

  8. Julie,I visited you blog after a long time.My granddaughter Katya will have a wedding tommorow.I´m so nervouz for it(because of corona)that I sat near computer:)Too they said-it will higest temperature of whole Summer.
    I visit all my friends blogs.
    I wish you all the best Eva
