
Sunday, July 12, 2020

Meeting expectations

When most of the church family knows you can make things, beware!

Last Monday a request came ... one family is leaving and will be at church next week for a sayonara blessing... could I make them a gift to thank them for their service.

Well, if I do make something, it will have to be finished by this Monday morning so I can leave it off when I go to pick up food items for the homeless mission.  Oh, I hate deadlines! Going to the end of the wire is just not my thing ... so I put down all I had been working on and hunted up some fabric that might work.

This family has been active in leading a program called "Saturday Night Out" or "SNO"

The first Saturday evening of each month, people gathered for fun and games, a nice meal, and while the kids had some entertainment, the adults had a video in a bible topic and a discussion.

I think  I attended every gathering from the beginning and enjoyed  the variety of food, the games, and getting to know members I don't often see when I am engaged in choir activities.

I picked out some night sky and stars for the border. The SNO letters got some red embroidery to help them stand out and the little letters cut from an alphabet print  got a gold outline on the family name and red on the rest.
The pink heart says "LOVE" in quilting and the long green says "and THANKS", with TUC in the left corner square.

I figured they could use this as a wall hanging or a table runner or toss it over the back of a chair.
Anyway, the expectations have been met and I didn't have to stay up past midnight to finish. I am wondering if, when we start back to gathering, this activity will be continued by someone else. This morning it was left in the postbox at the church.

Last Friday was my virtual Cub Pack meeting, We started with a game using a pencil, a meter of string, a paper clip, a scout cap, and a bottle with a narrow neck. The game was to put the pencil on one end of the string and clip the string to the cap brim, then stand and try to put the pencil into the bottle without using hands. Fastest and most successful was the only girl and it was fun to cheer them on.  As usual there was a lot of coaching once a system was discovered. When it comes to teamwork, my group is stronger then with competition.
Plans were made for a junk art challenge and a game that will meet advancement requirements. for the next meeting.
Another expectation checked off the list.


  1. Well done, Julie ! I'm sure the recipients will be delighted :)
    Aren't we feeling good when checking one item out of the list ?
    Take care, stay safe, and enjoy your sewing ...
    In stitches,

  2. Gosh this this so different from your usual work and so appropriate for folk who organise fun. It has that rather wayward Japanese look to it too. Great! Sometimes not having time to overthink things works well.

  3. Cute, fun quilt and I am sure it was greatly appreciated. So nice of you to get it done on short notice. My husband and I worked with both Boy and Girl Scouts for many years when our children were in those groups, its rewarding but sure is a lot of work.

  4. Fantastic! Good for you for getting that done so quickly. You need to tell people that if they want you to make something they have to give you AT THE VERY LEAST one month of time! TWO months would be preferable!!!

  5. You are great at putting others first. What wonderful memories for that church family.

  6. That was a quick piece. I can't sew that fast.
