
Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Chopping logs

This morning I went up to the cold unused apartment to lay out my finished log cabin blocks and see what I needed to do in order to get this project moving along. The sun was not out so the room was very cold, so I didn't bother arranging the blocks other than order of blue or brown. I think the lights and darks may require a bit of planning.


The rest of the day I have been digging through my scraps to find more logs to mark and chop.  I was able to cut about 14 more sets so I will have something to do during skype and zoom meetings ... or should I travel a bit by train. Can you see the Ohio Star beginning to form? I think the darker blocks will get moved to the outer edges. It makes me think of my grandfather who was born in a one-room log cabin in Ohio.

Here's hoping your year is off to a good start too.


  1. That's going to be such a pretty layout. I see what you mean about the darker blocks. Great idea to have handwork ready for zoom meetings. If you travel by train take good care. Happy New Year dear friend!

  2. I wonder though if the darker browns would highlight the Ohio Star. I guess I would have to see it to know! Such a pretty quilt. You amaze me that you do all this by hand!

  3. I think the star design will suit your logs so well, and a memory of your grandfather is lovely to have in a quilt.

  4. That's beautiful, Julie! The blue/brown combination is one of my favorites - and the log cabin is a lovely tribute to your grandfather - ;))

  5. Blue and brown fabrics always play nicely together. I love that your log cabin brings memories of your grandfather. This is going to be a lovely quilt.

  6. Wonderful quilt top. My favourite colour combination of blues and browns. The Ohio star is prominent, a lovely reminder of your grandfather.

  7. I love the look of the log cabin quits and yours is going to be beautiful. I agree, the darker browns on the outer sides would be nice.


  8. Have fun with that project. Stay safe. I heard Tokyo had been hit hard.

  9. These blocks are going to look lovely in a quilt. Good to have the space to spread out, just a shame it was cold.

  10. Patchwork, który wiąże się ze wspomnieniem, będzie miał duszę!Kolory dobrze współgrają ze sobą. Życzę miłego szycia!
    Pozdrawiam serdecznie z Polski!

  11. Like the colors and your work. Our sons went to the College of Wooster, so know the area of your family. Happy New Year! May you have good health and much joy!

  12. Boy! When you get started you really get going! Those are such beautiful colors!
