
Monday, March 8, 2021

Playing with florals


Not a whole lot going on other than zooming and skyping.

For someone with limited computer skills, I seem to be spending a lot of time sitting in front of my computer screen.

Luckily, with the camera aimed right, I can spend most of that time measuring, marking, cutting, and sewing some of these scrap fabrics.

Of all the scrap fabric I have been "gifted", it seems florals are the most profuse. 

I was recently reminded of a table runner I made years ago for a speaker at one of our yearly Women's' Conferences.  I dug into my tin of leftover blocks, and thought there might be enough light and dark to add to the tin, and I have been wishing to make a small table runner for a neighbor friend. 

Why not some flowers for the coming spring? 

I have hardly scratched the surface of those gifted scraps. Many require ironing  and trimming which is slowly getting done, but the strings and odd shapes have been put to use, and I think there might be enough for more than one runner. Maybe my entryway would enjoy some flowers too.

Speaking of flowers, my neighbor's flowering vine is a reminder that spring is on its way.

I am thinking of trying to root a section of this plant, which I have learned is from Australia. 

From what I have seen, it seems to thrive on neglect, as that neighbor has allowed the garden to go wild. I have only once seen the mother-in-law untangling the vines from other plants and directing them to the fence.

They sure are attractive festooning that fence.

The plum tree we planted years ago to celebrate the birth of our first daughter has rewarded the neighborhood with a colorful display of blossoms.

Now I am sweeping the street each day so that those same neighbors won't be complaining about those pink petals coming into their houses on the soles of their shoes.

My relationship with the broom makes up for time spent sitting next to my computer contemplating flowered fabrics.

A wee bit of exercise is worth it!

I hope you all are finding some flowers to enjoy as well.




  1. I like floral quilts. As you know there is always something blossoming throughout the year.
    Your plum tree is beautiful against the blue sky. Doesn’t it smell wonderful, too?
    Have fun quilting while zooming.

  2. Lovely flowers. I saw the first tiny bit of green from tulips at my client's home yesterday. The first green in our area (we still have a little bit of snow that hasn't melted yet). I'm ready for Spring.

  3. Good Morning, loved seeing the blooming flowers and tree. I would love to have that vine in my yard if it thrives on neglect, that is what I do best when it comes to yard work. I like your scrappy quilt. Fun to use up scraps from our stash.

  4. I enjoy your flowers - whether they are in a table runner - or in your garden - or on the fence - they are lovely - ;))

  5. I am always finding flowers to enjoy. =) One can never have too many flowers whether festooning a fence, or dancing happily in a lovely quilt. Your table runner is a picture. How lovely of you to stitch and gift your neighbour this beautiful quilt. Oh, I think you most definitely need a quilt blossoming with fabric flowers in your entryway. Spring is certainly doing its thing wonderful for you.

  6. A nice flower show this morning. You make wonderful use of gifted fabrics and you notice beauty everywhere. Such a lovely plum tree. Hang in there with Zoom and Skype!

  7. Flowers, either a true plant or a yellow weed, are always a bright spot in our lives. Your flowering red blossoms are a delight.

  8. Your quilt is alive with color! And so is your plum tree! I wish we had a pink plum tree near us... I do not need to be gifted with more scraps! I'm trying to figure out how I'm ever going to use all that I have!

  9. Good to see you making the most of the donated fabrics. It is good to find a place for them.
    Your tree blossom is so pretty. Great planning to choose something to flower around your daughter's birth date.

  10. Beautiful time of the year soon in Tokyo :) We are catching up slowly here too. Lovely photos.
