
Saturday, February 18, 2012

A few minutes of fame (depending on how fast you read)

This morning's issue of the Japan Times had an article about me written by Kris Kosaka. Perhaps it makes me appear a bit more worthy than I truly am. My kids were cheering me on through0ut the day and a dear friend sent me the best picture of all ... her young son reading the article.

Remember that behind every bit of this piece are countless leaders and volunteers, helping and inspiring. And that includes my blogging friends!

Here is a link to the article.


  1. congrats!!!! the link didn't work for me ;)

  2. OK, now the link should work. For some reason, the link thing wanted to add a address each time I tried to type it in. It is a wonder I can do anything at all when it comes to posting.

  3. The link took me to the Japan Times, but I had to put your name in the search box to find the article. It looks like she didn't miss much! It's a wonder you have time to stop and talk to me from time to time (^0^).

  4. Hi Julie, The link took me right to the article. I really enjoyed finding out more about you. I had often wondered how you ended up in Japan. Now I know... You are certainly a blessing to those around you.. including your blog readers!

  5. Wow! I found the link okay and had a lovely read - what a lovely compliment to you! Thank you for sharing - I hope your family is very proud of you!!!

  6. That is a wonderful article. Congratulations for all your wonderful work and achievements.

  7. What a wonderful tribute to you!!! And I giggle at all that we share in common - time in Ohio and connections with Case Western Reserve, twin hood, scouting, and of course, quilting!

  8. The link worked for me. What a great article. I enjoyed learning more about you Julie and reading about all the wonderful things you do and have done. You are truly a star and I am proud to count you as my friend. Congratulations on getting recognition and a moment of fame. You go girl!!

  9. Loved reading about your life and getting to know you a bit better. You are one energetic woman! Congratulations.

  10. Whoo hoo! What a great article and what an amazing life you are leading! Simply amazing. I'm glad to have met you over the internet.

  11. Julie, what a wonderful article about an absolutely fantastic humble lady who has given so much to so many others. Well done

  12. What an exciting life you've had and continue to have. Congratulations on all you've accomplished. I am in awe. What a wonderful legacy you will leave. Thanks for sharing the article with us.

  13. Julie what a wonderful honor to have this article written about you. It was not more than you deserve. Indeed it was a list of accomplishments that was factual, and listed far less than you have actually done. You have been given many gifts by our Father and you have used them "the best you could." When He said "whom shall I send" your hand went up and your feet started the path. I am glad to have your example to follow and to have you a member of my friends in Christ. blessings, Marlene

  14. The link worked fine for! when do you get to sleep? there are YEARS of missing hours there!! Well done xx

  15. What a great article. I know your family is very proud of all you have acomplished. But I do have to say ...... my goodness woman, when to you get to slow down and sleep. I'm 15 years in age behind you and reading about all you do just exhausted me .... lol

  16. Congratulations, the article is great! You are famous now and you deserve it, you are amazing.

  17. Julie, what a great article about you. You sound like an amazing lady. Thank you for making this world a kinder gentler place.

  18. Wonderful article, Julie. Your life sounds so interesting and it is so good to know that you are loved and appreciated in your adopted home. Keep up the wonderful work and by all means keep quilting. You do lovely work.

  19. A very beautiful tribute to a very beautiful woman! Julie, your life has been very rich. May your future be equally filled with wonderful rewards.
    I enjoy your blogs and quilts. Thank you!

  20. What a fascinating, interesting, and richly lived existence you've led, Ms. Fukuda; I'm very glad the article was posted. Cheers!

  21. What a wonderful article Julie. Sounds like you have had some interesting experiences in life. Thank you so much for sharing.

  22. What a wonderful tribute to you, Julie. I loved learning so much more about you and your life of service. Thank you for sharing it.

  23. Julie, we attended the Tokyo Union Church '86-90 and I saw you there. Reading the article brought back good memories. I shared it with my daughter and friends from our stay there and we're all enjoying your blog. Best wishes to you and congratulations on the recognition for the good works you do and the organizations you assist!
    Sue Steinhagen

  24. Julie you've had such an interesting life. But I suppose you made it that way...and still do despite being what some might call "elderly". :)

  25. What a wonderful article and tribute. So many people would aspire to do what you do, but not a lot get there! The world is a better place because of people like you. Thank you :)

  26. Wow. I knew you were an interesting person, but you are also very modest. What a full and rewarding life you lead. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about you and getting to know you better. If only there were more people like you around...

  27. Congratulations on being recognized as a warm and caring person with a very big heart. What an interesting life!

  28. What a great article! Thanks for sharing with everyone. It was fun to learn your history. And your accomplishments, wow! You are certainly an inspiration :)

  29. Wow, I had no idea you were so famous!!! :) What a brilliant article. I hope you enjoy your moment in the spotlight and that there is more interest in your 'causes' as a result. :)

  30. Wonderful write-up. What a great example you have been, not only to your own kids, but, to so many other kids over the years.

  31. Hello Julie! I enjoyed reading the issue about you. It is really a wonderful lesson of life. Beautiful!

    Big hugs... sandra

  32. Mom, I shared the link on Facebook and got quite the same reaction, lots of love! I'm so proud to be your son, and of the life you lead. The coolest part is... You're not done, so I'm on the edge of my seat to see what you do next.

    Massive aloha! Jon

  33. How wonderful! I find out all sorts of things that I only sort of knew and wondered about. I'm proud to be considered one of your blog followers!

  34. Hip, hip, hooray, two awesome people I know connected. I'm loving the dragon runner by the way!
