
Friday, February 24, 2012

Where did the week go?

How did it get to be Saturday already? I have no business posting anything, as I have not responded to a single comment during the past week. I haven't been exactly twiddling my thumbs, however. With only four weeks to go, the auction quilt calls.

The wind chimes got in-the-ditch quilting last week. Our plan is to turn the background into a raked gravel garden. At the end of the session we pinned some paper "rocks" in rather empty spots and this week I have been raking the gravel around them. I tried to get a look at the effect by spreading it out on the loft bed but the quilt is much too big to get the total effect on a double bed. I need to have quilting lines marked for the worker-bees on Tuesday and as much of the center areas done so that they can work around the edges. At the same time, I hate to do too much without first checking in with the committee.

This is where living in Tokyo has its "cons". Just as the Scouting group or church group, we are part of a community but we are scattered all over the city. No one is even on the same train line and even if you could get there by car, there is no place to park.

Today our Pack committee had a conference call to sort things out but this would not work very well with quilt designs. My choice is to wait until Tuesday (and possibly get behind) or plug along and hope for the best which is probably what I will do).

Does this look like a Japanese garden to you? (Don't answer that if you need a reply ...)

Gone quilting!


  1. No reply needed as you are so busy - but I think the quilting looks great and yes, definitely has the raked garden look. Now stop reading blogs and get back to work :-)

  2. it looks wonderful Julie, can't wait to see it all finished

  3. it looks great to me...just like a garden xxI would push on I am sure the other members will be happy too xx

  4. it looks great, keep going I am sure they will agree

  5. Showed pic at full screen on my iPad to husband and asked "does this look like a Japanese garden to you?" and he instantly (unusual!) replied..."yeh".

  6. Looks beautiful Julie - yes like the raked sand! Looking forward to Tuesday!

  7. That quilt is going to be so pretty. I love the "raked garden" idea. No response necessary. Just keep quilting and post an update when you're done. Happy sewing!

  8. Don't need a reply. The quilt looks just wonderful. And yes it does look like a Japanese garden. You are doing a great job on this, now back to work lady. :)

  9. Some weeks you get to the commenting and other weeks--no. It all works out in the end, I think. So no worries on that score.

    I LOVE the raked garden look and yes, yes, it does look like that. Right inside the entrance of the disabled students office where I teach is a mini-raked garden. I always like seeing how people have added their design--so fluid. The idea to "place" some "rocks" on then quilt around it is a lovely idea, something we could try on our own quilts with different designs.

    The quilt is really looking fabulous. Keep going!

    Elizabeth E.

  10. It is beautiful Julie, the colours are so calming. Yes it does look like a Japanese Garden. Don't worry about replying we know you meant to.

  11. I like the look so far. It looks like waves on the water to me. I don't see many raked gardens around here.

  12. Love this one Mom! Easy answer, "Yes, of course it looks like a raked stone garden!". Those comes are so Natsukasii, love the subject matter, the fabrics and the execution... Well done!

    1. ... Those chimes*... (not "comes"). Sometimes auto-correction is a curse.

  13. It is very lovely! The wind chimes look like they are blowing in soft spring breezes. This quilt is going to be fantastic.

  14. That's so pretty. I've only ever seen one raked stone garden in-person...but I would have said it reminded me of one, even if I hadn't read that was what you were trying for. :-)

  15. I have never seen a raked stone garden, but I can envision one based on your quilt. It's looking lovely. No need to reply - you just keep quilting!

  16. Oh yes, it looks like a raked gravel/sand garden. No need to reply to me either, get on with the quilting! Big hugs ((( )))

  17. That is so lovely!
    Hugs, Ulla (from Finland)

  18. The quilt looks wonderful! I can see the rocks with the echo lines from the raked gravel.

  19. The quilt dose look like a garden to me ,having only seen them in books.
    I have only just found your site so will read more.
    tricia( England)
