
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Good day to be inside quilting

This is the view I awoke to from my third floor greenhouse window. Luckily for my orchid, there was a warning and it came inside the night before. The back garden was getting decorated too.

In the foreground, the bamboo stalk from the South side of the house ... at least five meters of it ... is bent to kiss the walkway.

And along the front to the West, the plum tree, planted for out first daughter, which should have been blooming from the 15th, and the Sweet Daphne, which always opens for our third daughter's birthday on the 28th,

are under a blanket of wet snow.

Yesterday's quilting session got a lot of fine work done. Even out least confident quilter made a sizable contribution, gazing at the underside after each row and wondering if her stitches were perfect enough.

Now the quilt is back on my hoop. I need to finish up the center areas and make sure all the borders are marked for next week's activity. There are four rows of chimes. Today I completed the third row to the side borders and am now chugging along on the bottom row.

Indeed, this is a good activity for a snowy day. And those flowers that are under the snow? Well, those two daughters picked their own time to be born regardless of what the doctor said so why should their flowers not do the same?


  1. Oh Julie, looks like you won't be able to do much but quilt. Love the patterns you've marked out for the quilting. Hope you are not too cold, we are having very mild weather here for February but then March brings the winds and many weathers.

  2. Oh my goodness, what a covering of snow to keep you indoors and quilting. We, on the contrary, are enjoying a period of mild weather, 14C today. I am going to Lent study group this afternoon and then a little gentle gardening. Enjoy the opportunity to sit and sew.

  3. Definitely a good excuse to stay inside and quilt. Great progress on the quilting, too. It is going to be a beauty!

  4. Perfect day for quilting indeed. Aren't you glad you didn't have to go out. We are expecting a heap of rain tomorrow so that will be my perfect day for sewing and I have laundry bags to make! Hope you have a few more prefect quilting days! happy stitching!

  5. The snow is beautiful, but probably only to those of us who get it so rarely. :) I know you must be proud of the work your students have done so far; what a joy it is to work with new quilters and get caught up in their enthusiasm. blessings, marlene

  6. it would not be safe to go out in all that best thing is to stay in and sew xx looking good x

  7. Definitely a good day to stay inside. We are expecting a storm tonight, but I doubt we will get much snow.


  8. It's snowing here today (and tomorrow from what I hear) for the first time sine October! It was a good day in the sewing room for me.

  9. Beautiful snow. None here. I'm liking that quilt more and more. Too bad I can't 'win' it (or can I)? February is a GREAT month for birthdays!

  10. Do you get snow in Tokyo often? If not, it must be very surprising and special. Looks like you'll have to do some quilting while there is so much snow around.

  11. I am always surprised by how pretty everything looks under a covering of snow. Never fails!
    Glad to see the quilting is coming along.

  12. I had similar scenery and got my quilting hoop out too! I don't like the snow but if I have quilting then that's another story!

  13. We had snow in Colorado today, too! It's a good day for quilting!
