
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Getting ready?

The New Year is coming ... ready or not!

The Scouts did their part.
Every year we are guests of the Japanese Scouts at a mochi-pounding event, held at their sponsor's temple.

The guests include the Girl Scouts in the area and members of the BSA Packs. Many of these kids have mochi-pounding events at their schools but at this event the kids can pound as much as they like.

The mochi is eaten with seaweed or other compliments and put into a delicious soup, that is a New Year specialty. Some of the completed mochi came home with the participants. Our Scouts took cookies to share. (none of those came home)

A delicious turkey made it to our table on Christmas and was joined by Norie's family and Papa's elder sister.

We had to keep passing food because there was no room on this small table to put it down.

Rudolf showed up and did her part.

The biggest challenge was to take a picture with the least amount of junk piled up in the background.

Clean that plate Rudolf, and you can have a piece of pecan pie!

This morning the frost was on the pumpkin ...

Well, no pumpkin in the park but there was lots of pretty frost.

Does that mean winter is here?

Don't tell the roses. They still think it is summer.

And don't tell the jonquils. They are rushing into spring.

Check with Piper, my pied canary. He will be starting the year with a clean cage ... well, it is clean now and he is working fast to remedy the situation. Honestly, I could swear my husband gifted me this bird so he wouldn't be the messiest member of the family!

We have had birds in the past but Piper is the champion food slinger and pooper. While the cage was being soaked and scrubbed, I had to spray the window and clean it with a metal spatula! At this moment he is making the best of the daylight hours to make that cage look like home! Well, he is a very good singer anyway.

So, are you ready to welcome in the New Year?
Have a good one!


  1. The scout event looked like a great time for everyone.
    I am pleased you had a lovely Christmas. And it is lovely to get some family photos.
    Your little bird looks so sweet regardless of the mess he like to make.
    Happy New Year.

  2. What would new year in Japan be without rice cakes? We used to pound our own once upon a time when we had a twelve-member household. It took ALL day!
    You seem to have had such a good Christmas with family, the most precious gift of all.
    The weather has given us mellow days and frosty ones, it's been difficult to know how many layers of clothing one needs, the poor flowers can't solve the problem like we can.
    Well, at least Piper is a good singer!

  3. Great adventures for your scouts and your family - and for the food slinging birdie. I'm ready for a new year - this one has been a little tough - but we are a little tougher and have overcome. Our new year hope is for quiet and slowness - taking time to enjoy every minute.

  4. Happy New Year! We will usher it in alone, just my husband and I. I have been removing Christmas decorations this afternoon and putting my house back to normal. I always find that after holidays I'm ready to get back to my routine...the chaos of holidays make way for the quiet of winter and I hibernate, sort of. I have hand stitching projects readied and UFOs waiting. I hope for a couple of months to sit by the fire and create. blessings, marlene

  5. What a wonderful event for the scouts and sounds like a fun way to herald in the new year.
    I also love the photo of your family, you are truly blessed and a blessing to others. I hope the new year brings many more blessings to you and your family.


  6. Happy New Year Julie! Thank you for sharing your part of the world! ~Marina & Daryl

  7. Looks like your Christmas was fun! Happy new year to you. Pounding rice cakes eh? I can't imagine what this process looks like.

  8. Happy New Year to you and yours Jullie! Your family is so beautiful and Piper is gorgeous!!

  9. The table is supposed to be full at Christmas. Happy New Year!

  10. Good morning and happy new year to you! We our share of mochi too though I didn't get to any pounding events. piper is sweet and for a bird he can't do as much pooping as 6 cats! Wishing you and your lovely family the best this year!

  11. Happy New Year Julie! Piper sounds like quite a character and spot on when it comes to flinging food every where! We welcomed in the new year with a new friend this year. I'm looking forward to another year of visiting family/friends, warmer weather, and safe travels. All the best to you and your family in 2015!

  12. Yes, the New Year is upon us! What a lovely family! Piper seems so sweet looking!

    Blessings and hugs!

  13. Birds are so messy, aren't they?? I can't believe how much seed they just toss out of the cage. lol Your little Rudolf is super adorable! :D
