
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

It's almost here!

Last Friday, Leia came with a plan to make our tiny room look more like Christmas.

I dug out the little four-foot tree from the storage and set it up on the coffee table, then added the lights.

Leia opened the boxes of ornaments and decorated the tree. This year she was able to reach almost to the top so there was much less for grandma to do.

My specialty is the top and the paper ornaments made each year by my youngest sister.  Each year my sister's card includes a three-dimensional ornament to be assembled and it is fun to look back over the years of creativity. Often the tree stays up until the card arrives all the way from Ohio and the decoration can be assembled and hung.

This year the only other decoration I took from the storage was a wreath to hang on the front door. ... and of course a runner for the table and quilted tree skirt.

My daughter was very skillful when taking these two pictures to avoid the stacks of boxes waiting to be sorted.

The other activity was our cookie factory. I put my cookies into a container to take to our Scout event yesterday and they were quickly consumed.

My greenhouse - bedroom is definitely in the Christmas mode.

This is what my hanging laundry gets to enjoy.

I have not been able to keep African violets because of extreme temperatures in summer and winter but the cacti don't seem to mind ... and can even take being neglected during times I am out with the scouts  or travelling to visit kids.

There are a number of Christmas cacti, these being first to open and others still in bud. This is the view facing south.

Along the wall to the east is a step-tansu and each step holds a collection of plants. The wall behind is the slope of the roof.

The little poinsettia came to me as a gift.

 The south-east corner has a little ficas left behind by my #4 daughter.

The flowers are hard to see but every winter it develops tiny little figs.

It must be happy in this corner under the stained glass window decoration and the dream-catcher.

And in the south east corner are more plants.

Even outside the window there are orchids and prickly pear cacti, Jade trees, and Easter cacti filling the tiny space  on top and behind the air conditioning unit.

And, to the north, under the roof over my futon and the stairs.....

Another plant left behind by my #4 daughter, a large stag-horn fern.

I actually don't know how this plant needs to be tended other than to offer it a drink from time to time, but it must like the location because it has taken over the space above my bed.

I grabbed these pictures while the washing machine was doing its duty. Usually the place where I am standing with the camera is festooned with drying laundry.

Actually, this little room is a great place to dry clothing. I do not have to worry about sudden rain or wind-blown dust and pollen.
In the winter it adds a bit of moisture to the dry air.

I can toss my futon over the balcony railing to air.
(airing bedding is a typical Japanese sight)

Tonight will be filled with the special music already spinning in my head and then I will crawl behind this plant to my little nest on the roof.

Tomorrow will be filled with the smells of baking and busy preparations for family dinner.

The stacked boxes  ... the sorting of pictures ... everything that is not done will just have to wait. Somehow we will muddle through ...

And as I crawl back up to my cozy nest on the roof, this little guy in Oregon will be hanging the last decoration on his Advent calendar and checking out the stocking.

Warm Christmas wishes will be winging their way across the pond to my blogging friends.

Wishing you all Peace and Joy this Holiday season.


  1. Lovey, lovely pictures !

    Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas !
    Heartful thought,

  2. I loved seeing the pictures Julie - and those plants, my goodness you have so many! I've pared mine down to just a few that have to come in during the winter. I've given up on keeping ferns alive since last year I lost all of them when the electricity went out in the storage building and we didn't know it. Thankfully someone always has a sale on them in early spring. My one Christmas cactus prefers Thanksgiving. :) Have a wonderful Christmas full of His love! blessings, marlene

  3. Hi, Julie. Glad to see you've got the spirit. Enjoyed the pictures of your plants--that stag-horn fern is spectacular, never seen anything like it. Also enjoyed seeing the wonderful quilts in the Yokohama (did I get that right?) quilt show--gorgeous. Wishing you a Happy Holiday Season!
    best, nadia

  4. Merry Christmas, Julie!! I love your tree and all of your plants!! And your tree decorator is adorable - so is the little guy in Oregon - ;))

  5. Your tree is wonderful and so special to have Leia to help you.
    I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and your lives are filled with blessings in the coming year.


  6. Merry Christmas to you and yours, dear Julie!

  7. Thanks for the lovely tour - and what a cute little guy with the Advent Calendar. And what fun to decorate the tree and put your special ornament together each year. Merry Christmas my friend.

  8. Hello Julie, Leia grow up! She is beautiful! Your Christmas tree is amazing and so are the flowers!

  9. This post has a lot of beautiful plants, including the 'fake' Christmas tree and the quilted Advent tree. Wishing you the best for a good time the remaining days of the year.

  10. What lovely photos and what fun to see your house - and grandchildren. You have a green thumb! The staghorn fern... we had one of those when we were growing up in California ! Yours is beautiful. Thanks for so much inspiration in 2014 and best wishes for a great New Year. ~Marina & Daryl
