Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Back on track

Spring has sprung, and after a week of hunting up mulberry leaves for those tiny silkworms, I thought it was also a good time to get some leaves on the tree at the center of Phoebe's quilt.

As the four borders surrounding the tree represent each season, I decided to start the tree with spring on the left and move across to winter on the right. I probably should have done this before adding the I-spy blocks and doing all the quilting, because even though I basted the edges and pinned them in place, sewing them on in the center area is not easy to do. What would have taken a few hours some months ago is a much bigger challenge now.

I drafted a plan for a flying Phoebe, but I think, like the leaves, I will need to put it together and baste it before adding it to the space. I am still thinking about this area under the tree... leaves ... grasses ... flowers ... critters? If I think too hard, this may never get done!

The flower on the east side of the house is really showing off. I haven't found a name for the plant but I'm glad it is happy here.

The little orchids are certainly enjoying these spring days too.

Time to get back to work!


  1. Your tree is coming along nicely. Your birds are very beautiful. I think your blue plant may be an agapanthus. It grows very prolifically in our area and has become very invasive in some parts of New Zealand. In 1996 was declared an environmental weed.

    1. We have agapanthus here, but they are quite different with narrower leaves and flowers at the end of long stems. This seems to be coming from a large ball-shape. On the other hand, the individual flowers are quite similar. I'll have to look them up and learn more.

  2. Ditto to Gayle, here we had the large variety and smaller dainty mini ones in our previous garden. They are really pretty and often the taller ones are used for floral decorations ,sometimes when the actual flowers have faded and are plucked off . Love the leaves.

  3. It's harder to stitch when the 'space' gets larger and larger. Oh well. Those leaves going from spring to winter look good.

  4. Just like your tree, the trees in my area are getting their leaves (all green!) Good luck with your quilt birdies!

  5. Hi Julie ! Phoebe's quilt is beautiful, and we love the way that all the seasons are represented. You're doing a wonderful job. Take care, and enjoy the beautiful spring flowers. Blessings and hugs to you, from Marina and Daryl Lynn
